The first time she saw her.

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You are not supposed to be here Isabella looked around the forest until she spotted who she was looking for. Callum a boy with blonde hair, brown eyes, and a body that looks like a big gust of wind could knock him over.

Dove, how nice to see you. Not even a second later Callum jumped down from the tree.

Isa, you know I do not like being called that.

Wow, chill I know I won't call you that in front of anyone if that is what we are worried about Dove?

Yeah yeah whatever, Callum started to say before Isabella interrupted. Well, it was nice talking with you, you can go back and tell Ronan that I am going home to do my chores. She started to walk backward and before she turned around she said bye-bye Callum.

She only got a couple of steps before Whoa, where are you going Isabella? You and I both know that is not the way to your house.

You know Callum I liked you a lot better when you would leave it at that, what changed and why are you following me?

I will answer your questions if you answer mine first ok?

OK, what are your questions, Dove? Callum did not even care that she called him Dove at this point. He just cares that she letting him ask her questions.

My first question is how did you know Ronan told me to watch you? She answered he still thinks I cannot tell when someone is following me but I can. There has been someone me watching for weeks now.

Isa you know he knows you know but you also should know the reason. Isabella takes a deep inhale before saying Callum I do know but I can take care of myself I have been training all my life.

Isa, do you really want to get into all of that right now? She shook her head no and looked down at his boots. Callum exhaled and took a few steps forward to stand right in front of Isabella and said he cares ok just take that and ask him about that later ok. She answered alright, I will, now what was your next question.

I almost forgot about my questions, ok this is a two-part question now what are you doing and where are you going? All she chuckled before replying with I feel like that is two completely different questions but the answer is I got challenged to shoot an arrow as far past the trap I can, so I am going to the trap.

Isa which trap.

With a smirk, she says the ones for the invaders. He hits his forehead and says why am I even surprised.

Oh, come on you did it when we were at war with the other states.

Yeah we did and it was a fun game but you of all people should not take such risks, and before you say your cousin did not join in.

Oh, I know Callum my cousin was a buzzkill but I will be in and out. If it makes you feel any better you can wait at my house in the back for me to return and nobody else has to know. Callum takes a few deep breaths to think about it before saying I know you have to do this by yourself, so I will give you 20 minutes to do it before I come to look for you, deal.

30 minutes and you have a deal.

You have 25 minutes Isabella and it starts now. Isabella smiles brightly before thanking Callum and running away. Callum stays standing there until he cannot see her anymore and turns around to walk to her house and says I really hope she doesn't get into any trouble or I am so screwed under his breath.


I thought that that was going in a way different direction was all Isabella thought. She runs for a little bit before deciding to climb a tree to shoot the arrow. She has her bow ready and an arrow hooked in. Isabella chooses a tree to shoot at and right before she releases the arrow she sees someone walking towards the trap. Isabella was confused because a second before she swears no one was there.

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