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Toph's P.O.V:

As soon as I had entered the sitting room I stopped short. Mom and Dad had opted for stone floors so that I'd be able to see on my own, and I most definitely recognized the two people in front of me. My father stood to welcome me, as did the man sitting across from him. Satoru. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, and smiled politely as I took my seat. Satoru hadn't been very subtle in his admiration for me, but I hadn't realized he had already gone to my parents about marriage. He's a nice enough guy- smart, polite- but he's a bit weak and dull for my tastes. Cause he's not Sokka. My taste... like I even have a taste. Sokka's your taste, Toph. I shook my head slightly, trying to focus on the conversation my parents were having with my potential future husband.

"That's a wonderful idea! It will increase productivity at an unbelievable rate! How soon can you get it up and running? I think if we-"

"Dear, Satoru isn't here to talk shop, he's here to see Toph." My father cleared his throat, obviously still thinking about his business deals, but making an effort nonetheless.

"Ah, of course my apologies. Your mother and I will allow you two some time to talk, I'm sure you were surprised." I nodded as they left the room, and found myself at a loss for words. It's not like I'd never spoken to him before, but I didn't know the first thing about romance or marriage. What do you say in this kind of situation?!

"I'm sorry if you were startled, I asked your parents not to tell you it was me until we met today. I was afraid it might skew your decision if you knew it was me you were meeting with."

"That's ok." There was an awkward silence that hung between us and I tried to find something to say to break it. "So... marriage..." That wasn't it, Toph. That's worse.

"Ah... well... yeah, I know it probably seems a bit out of the blue, but I really like you. You're smart, capable, beautiful, strong, and you always stand up for what you believe in. I really admire you for that. I know I'm pretty weak in comparison, and there's nothing particularly impressive about me, but if you're willing to give me a chance, I'll do everything I can to make you happy. Wow.. that sounded cheesy didn't it. Uh what I mean is- "


"Huh? Ok? As in... as in you'll give me a chance?" I smiled at his awkwardness, feeling his heart pounding nervously.

"Is that so hard to believe?"

"Yes, I mean no! No, of course not!" I laughed as he struggled to answer, feeling a lot more relieved now. It was easier to talk to him now that the elephant in the room had been addressed. We spent the next few hours just talking. I don't usually like small talk much, but Satoru tried to shift the conversation whenever he noticed me getting bored. It definitely wasn't the best conversation I'd ever had, but he wasn't so bad. Not everyone could be as exciting as Team Avatar and their friends, I guess. Eventually, it was time to go and my mother pulled me aside quickly while Satoru spoke to Dad about something or other.

"How did it go?"

"It was alright. He's not prince charming but he's not bad."

"Toph dear, I know you weren't completely sure about the idea of marriage, but you know Satoru well, he's a good man, and he cares for you greatly. I'm not sure your father and I could hope for a better match for you. I'm not saying you should marry him if you don't think he'll make you happy, but give it some thought. After all, it's not like your prince charming will just drop down from the sky." I smiled and agreed to think it over before giving her a quick hug and making my way to the door where Satoru was waiting for me. He'd insisted on walking me home, more out of formality than anything else, and I figured I should probably let him at least for today. As we came up the road to my house, a grin broke out onto my face and I ran forward, confusing Satoru who hesitantly ran after me.

"Katara!" I gave her a hug, excited to have her here after so long.

"Toph! It's so good to see you! How are you? When I got your letter I got worried and..." She paused as I turned slightly, my heart racing as his feet hit the ground. The smile fell from my face for a second, but I was quick to replace it.

"Hello Sokka." He was about to respond when Satoru came up beside me, winded from the running. I rushed to reintroduce him, not really wanting to hear his voice just yet. "You two remember Satoru."

~ ~ ~ ~

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