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I squinted my eyes feeling the sun hit my face. I just enjoyed it for a minute because I was free. I did my time and now I was free to do what I wanted when I wanted to do it.

Not necessarily but you feel me?

I looked at the prison that I just got let out of and I couldn't believe I was outside of it instead of in it.

Once I spotted my mama I walked towards her real fast just in case niggas changed their mind and tried to take me back in there. That was less likely to happen but I wasn't taking no chances being here a second longer.

"My son! What do they be feeding you in there? You look so different from when I last saw you." My mama questioned as she wrapped her arms around my torso.

"Ma." I chuckled and she quickly pulled away and wiped her tears that had fallen.

"I'm sorry! You just look so...different." She told me and gave me a small smile. "I hardly recognized you at first."

"I think I look the same." I said to her.

"No you don't. A lot can change in a person in just two years."

That was true. A lot can change.

The reason she so surprised is because she ain't seen me in a while. When it was clear that I wasn't getting out she couldn't take it so she didn't visit. I talked to her and shit, but she ain't come see me.

I didn't blame her though. I wasn't mad at her.

"I missed you ma." I hugged her once again and she hugged me back.

"I missed you too. And I'm sorry for not—"

"I know. You ain't gotta explain yo self." I cut her off because I knew she was apologizing for not visiting me while I was locked up.

I wasn't too much bothered by her not coming. I wouldn't want her to see me like that no way and it wasn't like I lost contact with her because like I said I still spoke to her on a regular basis.

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