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As expected the seventh heaven mall was a heaven indeed. Everything was so classy and beautiful. I couldn't believe someone could think of such a great structure and build it so perfectly. It felt almost unreal.
"What do you want to do first, Ivy ?" Lewis asked my sister, her eyes were on the phone the whole time. I just couldn't understand what caught her interested so much.
"Um ... I will grab an ice cream first, then I will go to the saunas." She answered with her usually disinterested look on her face.
"And you, Monica?"
"I will go to the carrousel first then the swimming pool. We can have lunch after."
"I think I will join you." Lewis said
"We are going to shop to the other side, you guys go have fun " Zawadi smiled warmly urging us to go.
"Alright "

Lewis and I first went to the carrousel, it was so fun. I enjoyed the time and remember one time during Christmas when dad had brought us out with Ivy, we had had a lot of fun. But for now there is no daddy time, just us, alone against the world.

When we finished enjoying all the rides in the park, we went to the pool together.

"I had a lot of fun "
"Oh it was" Lewis agreed "let us see who gets in the pool first Miss Monica "
"O, so it is now a competition?"
"Label it so, time is ticking!" He said speeding off to the male changing room. I laughed at his excitement rushing off as well, he was such a spirited dude, he was a flash too. I will probably lose, east he slows down to give me a win.

I changed into a pair of swim shorts and a light shirt. I was not really the kind who showed too much skin. Maybe I was insecure or cultured. who knows.

I walked out of the room puddling along the corridors towards the pool. I kept tagging on my shorts that kept ridding up and getting me very uncomfortable, especially with the eagle like eyes from the school boys sitting around. I hated how they discussed your ass shamelessly without even feeling a little guilty or ashamed of themselves.
I was busy nursing my insecurities when someone grabbed my wrist and yanked me towards him suddenly. I had no chance to react to the sudden violation, I staggered and stumbled towards the figure towering above me. Slamming into him defenselessly, my weight took him by surprise, he staggered backwards his hands securing me upright. He slammed into the wall and groaned loudly
I panicked, frozen in place. my face buried in his chest.

"Goodness my back is shattered!" The man spoke startling me. I looked up, I didn't expect to be looking at the most handsome man I have ever seen. He was tall, his brown skin smooth and well maintained. Was he a model? I looked at his manly chin, his dark chilly eyes staring down at me.
The look on his face screamed what the fuck are you looking at?

I stepped back quickly giving him an apologetic look then recalled he was the one who suddenly pulled me.

"What were you thinking?" I asked as politely as I could
"Saving your ass kiddo" he said massaging his shoulder "you were not looking, a worker just passed by with a giant ladder that could have shattered your pretty face "
"Is that all you can say?" He asked raising a brow at me. Damnit, this man knew he was handsome... And he had the upper hand in this.

"Alright then, thank you for saving me. Mr hero" I raised a brow as well "sounds better?"
"My shoulders are aching. I am sure my scapula is gone for good " he made a pained face and groaned, was this guy serious or he was just pretending?
"Um... How can I help?"
He rolled his eyes "I had no idea you were dumb "
"Excuse me?"
"I didn't mean it like that " he defended himself, barely convincing "my shoulders hurt, I am sure they are swelling. You should at least help me relieve the pain at least "
"Oh, right " yeah he was making me look dumb, did he have to be that pretty?
"Help me walk, I can't move well "
"Right " I took his arm supporting him. I knew it wasn't necessary but, yeah he saved my ass. Play along for a moment, right?
"Where to?"
"My room"
"What? Your room? No damn way"
"Come on show some gratitude pretty face, will you?"
"I just can't walk into a man's room like a sheep walking itself into the slaughter house!" I blat out without even thinking
The guy laughed looking at me as if I was the most hilarious clown he has ever seen.
"Slaughter house? Come on why would I do that to a pretty face like you? I got some standards okay? I don't just go around slaughtering kind girls. You are helping an injured man, no actually you are taking responsibility"
"Taking responsibility? What a smart mouth you turn out to be"I said dragging him mercilessly, exerting pressure on his swollen shoulder intentionally. He grunted loudly but I ignored it entirely.
"A sharp mouthed girl, and a wild cat" he mumbled
"What did you expect? A docile sheep? Which room"
The rest of the way he was quiet, and that was good. had started getting on my nerves already.
His room was classy, and the fact that he had a hotel room in the seventh heaven mall meant he was a rich kid... Born rich or living rich. I didn't care, I wanted to finish the so called 'taking responsibility' play and leave immediately. He sat down groaning again, I was not sure if it was genuine or he was just pretending or seeking attention.

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