Leave your Suggestions!

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Hey guys! I'm still working hard on my other RWRB fanfic so this one may take a bit of time to get to you but I thought of this new idea I could use your help with. I want to know: what cities would you like to see the Super Six visit?

Read the premise below:

The tape of Alex and Henry in the hotel has been released and they had to do damage control by pretending to date Nora and June - now they really need to sell it. The "Super Six" - Alex, Henry, Nora, June, Pez and Bea - decide to take a trip around the world, part press tour, part vacation. Tensions start to run high as people have to watch the ones they love pretend to date others in the group. Will this tear their friend group apart, or even worse, their relationships?

So some cities they'll have Royal appearances, some will be things for Pez's foundation, and others will just be cool experiences for the gang. So far I'm thinking....
- Niagara Falls
- Toronto
- Quebec City (maybe a quick stop in Montreal)
- Vancouver
- LA
- Vegas
- Austin
- Boston
- New York
- New Orleans
- Mexico City
....just to start! Haven't even left North America yet and they def will. But what do you what to see? Are you excited about any of the above (or any your not excited about)? I usually don't write based off suggestions bc I have a whole story mapped out in my head before I start posting it but I'm so early in the process on this one and would really like to hear which cities you guys want to see. I've only been to the US and Canada, but I'll try to do research on each city they go to.

It'll be a Alex/Henry fic of course but also feature a June/Nora/Pez truple... and maybe Bea will meet someone on the road.

Please be patient and go read my other fic "Bet We Could Make Some MORE" while you wait for this one! Thank you guys!!! 😘😘😘

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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