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Darkness is like a veil. It covers all the pain, the misery, the hatred and the death that surrounds us, keeps it safe. This place we call home, these cities, this world, is filled with screams and cries. And the night, like an almighty father, watches over us as we pass through his ordeals, as we struggle with this "gift" called life.

Until daylight reveals our crimes.


We have lived among you for thousands of years and thousands years to come we will live by your sides. At day we are like any other, at night we come out and show our true faces, when the almighty father watches over us and protects us from your views. Like ghosts we pass through life, living longer than any mortal soul. Disappearing from your minds we are like phantoms, our images, our actions, our thoughts, our lives, have no meaning to your world. As the saying goes, out of sight, out of the heart.

Yet in the dark we thrive, fiercer than the raging fires, swifter than the coursing rivers, faster than the winds of a hurricane, stronger than the earth itself.

The night is our father, the moon is our mother

we are the children of darkness

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