Burn Witch Burn

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  I stood in the darkness of the room with nothing but the light of my phone brighten up the room. I am constantly re-reading the message sent to me over and over again. " you are a liar. " am a liar? We both know that  is not true. But I knew it end like this but I thought you deserved to know. I did the right  thing telling you what he did to me.  We both know the truth because before he was able to take your own mind off you, you even said it was him before I could finish my words. All you had to do was look at the bruises on my body and it was you, who told me it was him before I could even tell you. You know the truth and despite it all you still turned on me.  Even after everything I did. It was me meeting you to comfort you, me taking you out to try and forget it all. Me telling you to be strong, while it was me hiding my bruises , my tears, my broken soul. It was me , trying tell you that you deserve better. But soon as you go though that door like  a light switch  you turn  because he said told you too because you are so desperate to not be alone even when I told you, you  would not be alone yet you  still turned. Now I am a liar.   I knew this would happen but I still did the right thing and just like usual it burned me and those words burned into me. I felt the burn as I bite my lips breaking the skin tasting blood. Not only did you burn me, you got your little sister involved, calling me a liar, and threatening me and disrespecting me and because of you she  is blind to the truth because of you I look like a liar. Did you  need someone else to believe this lie? So you are not alone, so you don't feel guilt. I clenched tight on my  phone tears of rage, sadness going down as you threatened me. I swallowed and took a deep breath trying calm down.   I closed my eyes as my phone binged again and again with threats. The burning of rage over filling me.  I promise you this, I wont be the only one burned.  You will feel these flames that you created. You will burn just like me.

The sky was dull and the wind howled and as much as it tried, it could not blow this candle out. This ' candle ' was burning fiercely in the middle of a field and watching it roar stood a man. Detective Ozz He was tall and lanky with a fresh blonde cut. His shirt hanging off him,  his trousers being held up by a belt. His firm face and his strict blue eyes glued to the flames what was hissing at him. "Gruesome isn't it." Commented detective  Dean who was smaller then Ozz his head just about touching Ozz shoulder.  He had brown Curley hair and his clothes was so tight you could see his gutt hanging out. His dull brown eyes attempted to look anywhere but the scene in front of him " I've seen worse." Ozz said casually shrugging . Dean gagged and he put his hand to his mouth " of course  you have " he scoffed his eyes watering and him now hunching over. Ozz's eyes still fixed on the flames " when will this mess be put out? " Ozz asked as his partner was gagging for air.  Ozz then finally turned around to see his partner throwing up. Ozz rolled his eyes and then noticed a fire truck drive onto the felid as they rushed out and got into action, Ozz started to walk over to them and went towards a big strong built man shouting and directing orders as he spun around detective Ozz was chest close to him making the fireman step back " Do you mind! This is a danger hazard! Get behind the line! " he barked. Ozz then reached in his back pocket and pulled out his  badge " detective Ozz. Could you please give me am estimate when the fire will be  out?  " the fireman frowned then looked at the flames. " maybe a few hours looking at it for how well tamed it is, it should not take to long whoever made this knew what they are doing.  But this is the most messed up thing I have ever seen. "  the Fireman said in disgust.  Ozz looked at him with his eyebrow up. " really?  " asked Ozz. The fireman looked at him speechless " I've seen burned bodies, I have seen people who have tragically lost their life to fire but always by accidents. This , this is something different.  This was someone who was executed. This, this is someone purposely burning someone. They thought of it well and planned it so well. " The fireman gulped. " I would not wish that on my worst enemy. "  he added as he got back to work, and Ozz walked away, letting him do his job.  Ozz took another look at the sight. A body was strung up, strapped to a thick piece of wood. Flames are dancing around it. The smell of rotten flesh filled the air as it tangled with the black smoke on the body's face. You could still see the horror and fear on their face. Whoever did this hated  this person with everything they had.  Ozz walked away. " Clear the area. Block the whole park if you have to. No one comes in and out unless  with authorised  access. Everyone clears the sight and gets out of the firemen way. After I want forensics here and gather everything  I don't want a single thing left behind. " Ozz announced as he walked off and grabbed his partner by the back of the collar and dragged him off the felid. " stop throwing up on my crime scene!"  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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