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He drives through the rain. His tomahawk in the passenger seat as he drives down the deserted road. It's dead and quiet. Just like everything and everyone else. Maxwell sighs to him, his hair is messy the front of his hair falling into his eyes slightly every time he moves his head. His hair was getting long, he knew he had to cut it soon. That wasn't on his mind currently however, something else was. Mostly his lack of food and water, he knew he needed more soon. His main mission, however, was to find food. He knew that it was necessary if he were to help anyone out. He drives down the dark road, the rain was calming to him it made him feel more at peace and calm by himself, his guard was still up of course, he can never let it down, it'd be too dangerous to do that. Maxwell sighs to himself, after a while in the truck he ended up taking his scarf off from how warm he felt inside the truck, the AC didn't work the best as it once did, so he got warm or cold easily. It always depends on the weather that day, what state he's in, and how he's feeling that day too. The rain stops into the middle of the night, it was around ten or so, at least that was Maxwell's guess from how it felt to him. His watch didn't work anymore so he had to guess the time from now on, but he was alright with that. Time didn't matter anymore, what did matter was how he survived and what he did to survive. It was a lot for any person, to have to kill to live, but that was how the world works now. Kill or be killed. Those were the rules of life, and Maxwell was okay with that. 

He hums softly to himself as he drives, he swerves out of the way of a walker, sure he could've run it over, but that could damage the truck and he can't risk that. It'd be risky to his life if the truck did break down. He drives down the freeway, sighing as he turns onto an exit. He drove down the exit seeing a store in the distance, it didn't look overcrowded by any walkers so he deemed it safe to scavenge for food at. Maxwell stops the truck as he sees someone sitting near the entrance of the store. However, he can't tell if the person is living, dead, or undead. 

Maxwell grabs his tomahawk, his pistol is in its holster on his belt. He grabs his pistol slowly aiming it up, he is ready to shoot if needed as he looks at the person. He walks up to the person, tapping their foot with his, he could see it was a young girl, he figured she couldn't be more than 16. He backs up when he sees the girl look up at him, he tilts his head at her as he sighs lowering his pistol. "Alright..don't worry kid I won't hurt you."  He tells her as he kneels down gently, he puts his hands up to show her he won't hurt any. He sees traces that she had been crying on her face he sighs to himself, he didn't really have the time to look after a kid, but he couldn't really leave her either. "You got a name kid?" Maxwell asks her. 

Luna flinches out of her thoughts when she feels her foot being tapped, she looks up to see the man. He's tall that's for sure, he's also handsome, very handsome in fact. That's what Luna thinks to herself she backs up slightly so she's closer to her backpack, she sighs gently as she  closes her eyes again. she decides to respond to his question once she sees he isn't a danger. "Luna" She whispers in response, her voice was soft and raspy from all the crying she had been doing, Luna looks at her arms, she doesn't remember when she had scratched her arms open but apparently she had and her arms are raw. They're raw, red, and covered in blood. She doesn't remember doing this but it's obvious she did, she didn't know who this strange man was either. She doesn't trust him exactly, but he hasn't hurt her any yet, so she's thankful for that. She watches the man as she leans against the wall she's sitting against, she gently closes her eyes as she sighs softly. She doesn't tell him anything else, she has no need to, she just hopes he leaves so she can be alone with her thoughts again.

Maxwell nods in response as he watches her, he closes his eyes gently running his hand through his hair. "Let me guess, from the looks of it. You're alone, correct?" He asks Luna leaning on the wall now as he whistles to himself and tosses his tomahawk in his hand gently catching it by the handle each time it flips into the air. He waits for her answer while also looking around the store's parking lot for any signs of danger or any walkers, he didn't want to be caught off guard, that would put Luna and himself in danger. He doesn't need that right now, he doesn't really know who Luna is or if this is a trap that will get him killed, he doesn't feel like it is though. He can tell this is just a kid, a kid who is scared and alone in this world, like he is. Maybe not as scared, but he's definitely alone. "Hey kid, if you are alone, you could tag along with me. until we find someone to take care of you or your parents if they're still out there." Maxwell explains to her as he puts his tomahawk up. 

Luna thinks about it, she was scared, she had nowhere to go and she did need help if she wants to keep surviving. She doesn't give him a  verbal answer but she gently nods her head, she decides this is better than nothing. Even if he ended being a serial killer that would kill her once they were alone, she figures dying in a truck is better than being ripped apart. Luna stands grabbing her t-Rex and her backpack, she slings one backpack sling over her shoulder and she looks around before looking at the truck. "You don't have any bodies in there do you?" She asks him in an attempt to be funny, she knew it wasn't really worth it but she still tries either way. Luna hears him chuckle as she turns back to see him shaking his head. "No, I don't actually. If I were that stupid, i'd keep the bodies in the bed of the truck" Maxwell tells her as he smiles slightly he walks to his side as he gets in the drivers seat. Luna nods as she opens the passenger side door of the front seat to get inside the truck. She moves some water bottles from the floorboard to the backseat so she has room for her feet and backpack. "Thank you" She tells Maxwell once they start to drive. 

"It's no problem kid. Besides, it's the least I could do. I couldn't leave you alone there anyway. It wouldn't be right of me" Maxwell responds to her thanks as he drives, he drives carefully since it's dark, it's about midnight about now as they drive onto a back road. Maxwell keeps his eyes on the road mainly so he can keep an eye on things of course. "So you've been alone this entire time?" Maxwell hears Luna ask him after they drive in silence for a bit he glances over at her. "Yeah, I basically have, saw my parents die. And I don't know about my little brother, he could be alive. He could be dead. I have no idea if i'm honest." He tells her, he really didn't know where his brother was, he doesn't let it bother him too much though. "What about you? Been alone forever?" He asks her as he turns down a road, he's driving past a bunch of trees and such. "Yeah, just been me." She responds to him shortly and coldly, she doesn't want to talk about her family, especially her sister. It's way too soon for her. Maxwell nods as he hears her tone, he doesn't push it any farther as he stops asking her questions now. 

After a while of driving, Maxwell notices Luna pass out. He sighs reaching back with one hand to pick up a blanket, he gently puts it over her making sure she's covered so she isn't cold throughout the night. He pats her head as he starts to drive again, Maxwell gets cold himself so he puts his scarf around his neck again so he's at least somewhat warm in a way. It wasn't much but it was good enough that he wasn't completely cold and freezing, plus he knows that Luna needs the blanket much more than he does. As he drives he starts to think, he doesn't always let his mind wander, but when he does he often gets lost in his thought for minutes to hours at a time. As he thinks he wonders what he could do now, what his next mission will be. Maxwell often gives himself missions so he can keep his mind busy for days at a time, it's better that way. He knows it is. And that it will be. 

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