Fur and Blood

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All Hallows time in High Rise City. Fall came with a blanket of cool winds and orange leaves. The city put on a more fall look, with orange leaves being seen everywhere, decorations for holidays of scares and giving and advertisements displaying fall deals and attractions. October marked the month of Halloween and the city loved it. Street performers would dress up and roam the main roads, people would decorate their homes and cars for the season, and others would prepare for the dead to walk among them as part of a different holiday in the next month. Despite how much the city put out for its citizens, it was still under corporation rule, and with that it still reeked of their control. Nevertheless, everyone pressed on with their day and were excited to have Halloween come along.

With this, we come to an odd couple. Wolf and Markus were in their yard, putting some last minute touches on their abandoned cemetery decorations. Markus wasn't one to into scaring, but Wolf was. Because she was the product of a mishap with nanotechnology with the corpses of a dog and a woman, she was almost like a werewolf without the skin on its face. She had the fur, she had the skull for a face, she had the claws, all she needed was the size.

"You think Saph has any potions that could make me grow bigger? I wanna play a zombified werewolf this year."

"You wanna mess with magic potions for a Halloween costume?"

"It'd be cool! Imagine how much I'll scare the kids that come by!"

"We have candy to give out, I didn't buy thirty dollars worth of the good shit just for it to go to waste."

Markus wasn't completely on board with Wolf wanting to scare the children so much and he expressed it. He spray painted the word "RUN" on a wooden cutout of a tombstone in the lawn as Wolf fiddled with a fog machine on the porch. "I just don't think you need to go all out for this. The cemetery is convincing enough…a little too convincing." Markus said as he pointed to a small police truck that stopped in front of the house. 

Wolf looked up from the fog machine and asked, "They a marshal or beat?" Markus turned to her and shrugged before looking back at the truck.

The door of the police truck opened and two officers came out. They wore heavy ballistic vests over their blue uniform and had the standard hats as part of the uniform. Their vests had the letters, "HRPD '' written in a fiber optic glow. 

The officers walked up the lawn and gave Markus a good afternoon. 

"Can I help you officers?"

"Nah, came by to see more of your decorations. You know you're the only one who's really decorating in this part of the neighborhood?"

"Yeah, well my girlfriend’s a Halloween freak, as you can see.” Markus said as he smiled and pointed at Wolf. Wolf called out to Markus and said to look at her, and so he turned to her and noticed that she was flipping him off. The officers laughed and said they'll leave him to that. The officers jokingly wished them both a spooky month and left. Markus watched the police car drive off before finishing up with spray painting a wooden tombstone. When he was done, we went over onto the porch to see if Wolf was done messing with the fog machine. Asking if she was done, Markus watched Wolf put the machine down and flip a switch. The machine hummed to life and started producing a large amount of fog. Wolf flipped the switch again, turning it off. “I was installing a fusion battery, this thing will spew fog as much as we got the fluid for it,” she said.

“Won’t a fuse battery last years though? No way in hell we keepin’ this thing on for longer than a few days at a time.”

“Obviously, it’s just so we don’t have to charge it every time we use it.”

“Hm, alright then. Imma head inside, pumpkins seeds should be done roasting by now.”

“I’ll come with you. Everything here’s about done.”

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