Part 2

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"That is awful, I am so sorry, Markus."

"Worse part is that she’s gone and off to who knows where.”

Markus held his head, still intensely worried about Wolf and her whereabouts. That was when Ghost came rushing out of the house and up to them. “She’s in the city,” he said, “Police got reports of people being attacked by a hairy beast, it has to be her.” Markus got up with Sapphire and said that they needed to hurry into the city then. Unfortunately there was just one problem. Ghost pulled out a vial of a black liquid. “My scans told me that this was Wolf’s blood. I don’t know if you both know this but her blood isn’t black and this just so happens to match the samples from that werewolf we killed a couple of weeks ago.” Markus was confused as to what he was talking about until he noticed that Ghost was looking at Sapphire when he mentioned the werewolf. Sapphire stared back at Ghost with a nervous look before quietly admitting that this was possibly her fault. Markus looked at her in shock, unsure of how to process this.

“You made her turn into a fucking werewolf? Sapphire, how could you?!”

“I tried to object but she insisted it would be fine! None of this was expected!”

“Yeah? Well look at where that got us, you idiot!”

Ghost told Markus to calm down before telling Sapphire that she has to figure out how to reverse this. After that, he grabbed Markus by the shoulder and moved him a couple feet away from Saph before telling him to watch what he calls her. Markus apologized and asked if they could hurry and get Wolf. Ghost patted his shoulder and reassured him that they’ll do what they can as a self driving, makeshift armored, van pulled up in the street. “Both of you in the van, we have to follow her trail before it runs too cold.”
They all got in the van and sped off towards the city. Ghost drove as Markus sat in the back as Sapphire was in the passenger.

Ghost scanned the street’s pavement, looking for any blood to follow as Sapphire explained the elixir to Markus. “It wasn’t perfected but it was supposed to improve things like strength and stamina when you drink it. I don’t understand why she could have reacted like this. This is why we have Ghost test our finished products.” Ghost decided to answer the second thing she said for her.

Nearly every aspect of Wolf is sensitive to intense change. Her body was made with three things, the body of a woman, a dog and some of the nanotechnology that Ghost is made of. In his words, “It's a lot that has to do with her brain processing stuff that's obviously trying to change things erratically. Sure her mind's a steel trap but that more or less means that she's just along for a gruesome ride." Ghost kept his attention to the road, seemingly not too panicked about this whole ordeal. This made Markus question if something like this had happened before.

"So what? She's gone fucking crazy before?"

"Not crazy, but yes. She's really never explained her biology to you?"


"You weren't ever curious? This is partially why I told you to make sure she stays away from neural drives."

"Listen, man, her body's her business. If it's a problem then she'd tell me."

"And has she?"

Markus stared at Ghost for a few seconds before looking down at his phone to look through police reports. And to think he knew he knew everything about his girlfriend. Can't beat science, he guessed. Markus scrolled in some reports before he found one that was made just a few minutes ago. "Got somethin', some apartment security reported a tenant's unit was broken into. The tenant was found ripped apart with the place trashed. Has to be Wolf." Ghost asked for the address and Markus gave it to him. He then turned to Sapphire and gave her nod, silently asking if she was ready. She asked for a scare this holiday, she was surely going to get one now.

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