Chapter 7

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The Inspiration

"Ukyo! Come on you're part of this annel-chay and we need ideas!" Gen pouted, tired but needing to work.

"Gen! Come on you were supposed to be the head of this channel! I was just supposed to help you!" Ukyo complained back, tired of editing but now onto planning.

"Well, we can't keep collaborating with the same three channels. Minami's is just interviewing us. We, well me, can't keep up with darling Tsukasa in his videos. And collabing with my dads is lame and also dangerous. Plus the content is getting repetitive! We need something new and exciting." Gen crocked out, putting his head down, finally finishing his second book outline for the editor coming at any point. "OH! Maybe we should look online to see what's trending! Come on Ukyo pull out your phone!"

"YOU HAVE YOUR OWN! Why can't you pull it out and look!"

"It's dead" Gen responded with a shit-eating grin.

"Of course it is, fine! Here." Ukyo gave in pulling up Twitter trending. "Uh Gen, did you recently release a video or book?"

"No, the last video was two days ago, and the book has been a year at least, why?" Gen stood up and wandered over to his roommate's side of the front room. Looking over Ukyo's shoulder from behind the chair, Gen could see their Username trending along with 'Rocket Science', 'The Village', and 'Kingdom Of Science'.

"Wait, Kingdom Of Science, that sounds familiar." Gen thought out loud, trying to recall any memories.

"Kingdom Of Science is another YouTube channel that focuses on science like your father's channel, just less destructive and illegal" Ukyo responded "I just was watching their live stream of them launching their homemade toy rocket into space. Surprisingly it made it. But why we are trending with them I have no idea." With that Gen followed up by reaching over and clicking the 'Magical Psychology' tag that was trending. After reading through some of the tweets, the two got the basic idea.

What happened at the end while answering questions, Ukyo commented something not realizing that he wasn't on his personal account but their group account. And when one of the members, Taiju saw their name, he got excited about being watched by Magical Psychology. Apparently, the channel that made the three friends get the idea of starting a channel in their first year of college too.

"UKYO! See I told you! When we first started I told you we would inspire others to try their hands at being Influencers! Now we need to talk to them! Maybe this could be the fresh content we try out!" Gen got excited thinking about how he changed the lives of others already and wanted to meet them.

"You're right. We actually inspired someone. God, how are you always right?" Ukyo responded, gobsmacked that not only did they change lives but Gen somehow predicted this about three years ago when they first started. "I guess we have an email to draft."

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