Love You Till Tuesday

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Y/N sits by the window of their room. Far by the forest sat an apple tree, the soon-to-be ripe apples glistened in the moonlight. As the branches swayed the crisp breeze carried through the window and the strands of Y/N's hair. The scent of the pine trees made them relax, but the relaxation did not last long. A loud knock came from outside the house door. Y/N quickly shuffled over and opened it to see their dear friend Draco. They went to hug him but was pushed away, kept at arms length. 

'Of course... He's still in the public eye...' they thought to themself, answering their confusion.

Draco continued strolling into the common room and plopped on the couch. Once he heard the door close he let out an exhausted sigh. Y/N chuckled and sat beside him, which he took as a chance to lay his head in their lap. "Today was absolutely draining..." Draco whispered out, melting in Y/N's touch as they grazed their hands across his cheek. "You looked stunning at practice on Sunday dear," Y/N whispered, softly smiling down at Draco. "Did you really think so?" "I know so. You're always so ambitious with your work, whether school or sport."

Draco's face relaxed, leaning into Y/N's touch as his heart melts from their words. "You're always so nice to me... Even when I can be rude and push you away... Why?" 

In all honesty, not even Y/N knew. If they had a brain they would know to not be with someone so in arms about their public reputation. Something about being with a person who can't bear to be seen with you was appealing to them. 

"I just love you so much. Even if you push me away I can't bear not being with you. As much as you push your letters say all you can about how much you need me. You say you need me and I need you just as much. Over time the world has raised and drained oceans, the sun has risen and set, stars have been born and died, but life after life I will always love you. My love will never drain."

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