Swords, Fruit And, An Amazing Crew

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Walking from the beach to the entrance of Loguetown Conner's eyes immediately locked onto a very familiar ship. Floating in the port before him he witnessed the original ship of the straw hats.

"The Going Merry. I cried when she died in the series." He said remembering the touching scene.

'Wait if the Merry is here... Then the straw hats are too!' He thought he excitedly. He had to meet them maybe even join them! That's every fan's dream! He dashed into the town before realizing.

'Oh shit I have no idea where most of them are.' He pondered this thought for a bit before shrugging. "Ehh I know buggy will try and execute luffy in a few hours so I'll just meet them there." He turned and walked around the town for a bit before spotting the sword shop where Zoro got Yubashiri and the Sandai Kitetsu.

"Well I'm a swordsman now, got to pick up some swords."

He checked his pockets and found a wallet. Inside the as about 5,000,000 berries.

'This should be more than enough for some decent swords!' he thought walking into the shop.

As the bell on the door chimed he walked straight into one of his favorite scenes form the anime standing in front of him was Roronoa Zoro holding the Sandai Kitetsu as Ipponmatsu the owner of the shop tried to stop him from buying it with the marine Tashigi standing close by.

"A cursed sword huh?" The future world's greatest swordsman asked.

"You knew!?" Ipponmatsu exclaimed.

"No I can just tell." Zoro responded

Ipponmatsu continued to try and stop him from buying it by telling the two swordsman before him about how many great swordsmen have died terrible deaths after taking up the kitetsu swords

"I-I'm sorry I don't know it was such a terrifying sword I'm sorry for telling you to buy it." Tashigi said apologetically.

Zoro simply held the sword high and smiled. "I like it! I'll take it!" He declared confidently.

'Here it comes!' Conner thought to himself unnoticed by the others in the shop.

"A-a-are you a fool!? I can't sell it! If you died because of it, it would be like I killed you myself!" The old shop keeper shouted before his wife put him in a head lock.

"You old fool just sell the damn thing off!"

Zoro continued to inspect the blade and decided. "Alright then let's do this," he said as all eyes were now on him. "My luck and this blade's curse. Let's see which one is stronger!"

Zoro then tossed the cursed blade into the air Much to the shock of all but Conner.

"You can't be serious!" Tashigi shouted. As Zoro held out his arm in the path of the falling blade.

"Stop! Its sharpness is the real deal! It'll take your whole arm clean off!" Ipponmatsu shouted, terror painted on his face.

Zoro simply tuned out all of them and awaited the blade as Ipponmatsu and Tashigi watched in horror, Conner watched in amazement at the will of the three sword style user.

After finally coming down, the cursed blade barely missed Zoro's arm as it cut straight through the floor boards down to the hilt of the blade. For a moment no one moved before Zoro opposed his eyes and declared that he would take it.

Ipponmatsu fell backward and Tashigi fell to her knees in shock. Within Conner's mind only one thought passed through.

'This is why he has the color of the supreme king, his unyielding determination. So Fuckung Cool!'

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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