Just Another One Of Those Night

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Hey Luke, how's life?

Dunno, alright

"Alright" is your writing and you're writing again

Did you miss me, admit it: you need me

Thought you got rid of me, highly unlikely

Cause you always come back to me

Or is this about another failed relationship

You're sad again you see

You piece of shit

Aren't you pleased to see me?

You're not a sheep in need of a shepherd

Why be meek when you can be a jaguar

You used to be a king, defeating all you enemies indiscriminately

Now you feed from the hand of a King who says he "freed" you?

"I'm fine"
Another lie but at least I'm trying for peace
I've been trying to reach enlightenment
Been taking some time to chill
Got tired of attacking myself but still
I can't help but think that maybe things could have been different
And I've been making progress, chill
Look we know how to bake now got more coping skills
So, haven't really need you lately but I think this talk has been needed

Luke, you sound like you're pretending again

To be a hero that you're not, do you think those doctors can help you?

Been through this ev'ry time we talk to you

How many times can you be fooled and lied to?

Choke on this pill boy

Don't forget, it's you who needs to be fixed boy

Failed another 10-step help on the fourth step, repent boy

Cause you're too far-gone boy

Such a dumb fuck boy!

Nah mate, this time it's different. liar, trust me
I know that this is the year it'll change
And my writing has been doing better than the same
I feel like I'm finally being heard
True I've been misunderstood
I know it'll pass for something greater
That's why I don't give up, man remember
Cause when you're here, your never able to help

And because of this you think you can kill me?!

You are me

I am you

Stuck are we

I am me

Divided yet one

Only half of you that makes all of me

And I got to kill you in order to be happy

I'm not going to be stuck when I can be free

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