Lil Story With Alphys

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(Help how to write fanfiction??)

Alphys woke up feeling... cold. 

Her first drowsy thought was, this is Hotland; how can it be cold here?

She slowly held out one clawed, scaly yellow hand. It was shaking, presumably from the nightmare she had just had.


That was funny. She couldn't remember what her dreams were about now...

Alphys took a minute to breathe. "God, what time is it..." she muttered softly to herself. She gingerly hopped off her bed and pressed the button to fold it back into its cube.

Looks like it's time for another midnight snack with the "girlfriend."

She pulled her slightly stained lab coat tighter around her scaly body; she had forgotten she had practically fainted into bed with it still on. Oh well. At least she'd gotten some sleep tonight.

The only thing she had left to eat was instant ramen.

As usual.

(insert epic transition here)

Even after having a midnight snack, Alphys didn't feel like going back to sleep, which meant bingeing anime until 6am.

Maybe I should call Undyne.

She fumbled with her hands for a little bit, trying to reach the pocket in  her lab coat. She took it out and stared at it for a while, the luminescent screen reflecting in her large glasses.

She won't ever love me if I call her at 2am wanting to talk. It's too early.

Shivering, Alphys tucked the phone back into her pocket.

She should really update the heating system in here.

...but something felt off, not just the temperature.

Like something was missing in the world.

She shook her head softly. It was probably just that stupid nightmare she'd had.

...what was it, again?

She didn't feel much like going back to bed anymore.

Alphys trudged away from the fridge and into the elevator that was inconspicuously disguised as a bathroom.

And down she descended, into a special hell.

(God idk what im doing)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2023 ⏰

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