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I rubbed on the stain at the end of my white apron. I sighed as my greasy hands only made the blotch bigger. I pulled at my apron and held it over the sink. I bit my lip as I let the tap water run through the lace and closed my eyes. I could still hear that woman scream at me.

As long as I could remember, I had carried the sauce platter on a tray and the woman had shrieked at her husband as she threw her hands my way, spilling the sauce all over me. All the customers had broken into whispers and snickered at how careless I had been. Being the waitress and the gentle person I always was I apologized for her fault. Taking advantage of it she chose to show how wealthy, respected and important she was and how weak, homeless and just a waitress I was.

I wiped away my tears and held back further sobs as I redid my hair into a bun. I twisted my apron so as to let the remaining water fall. I splashed the cold water on my face and brushed at my apron, not that with the sway of my hands, my unwashed, smelly clothes would become bright but it had become an undying habit.

"What are you doing in there for so long, idiot?" The head chef entered the aisle which had been only mine for a while. He was in his fifties and from what I knew he could make you wish you were never born.

"That woman complained to the manager, idiot. No food today nor any wages for a week." I nodded as I quickly rushed past and him and picked up the next delivery list.

"Are you turning deaf, you morbid being?" He spat through his stained teeth. I could feel his saliva run down my cheeks. I wiped it away along with the tears dropping from my already, weary, red eyes. I set the coffee on the tray and blinked my eyes, so I could see clearly as I walked out of the kitchen.

I looked at the table I was supposed to deliver to and it was occupied by a man in his thirties. He was way too good in his looks with sharp features, wavy hair and striking blue eyes. He was reading a magazine with an almost-eaten hamburger on his plate.

I walked towards him and laid the coffee on the table. I took out a dishcloth out of my apron and wiped away the left-overs as I cleared the table with my other hand. I could feel him stare at me and my entire body shook as he never took his eyes off.

Whatever I was, one thing I was not. I would never sell my body for anything, even if it meant I had to starve to death. I put the cloth back into my pocket and quickly turned towards the kitchen.

"Sit." I heard him speak behind me.

"Sir." I turned around.

"I said sit, sit." He pointed towards the empty chair that lay opposite him.

I looked around to see if any of the people who knew me were around. There was Jason, taking the orders from an old lady. I sat down, hoping he wouldn't spot me and pulled my dress lower as it cut down very high at my thighs.

"Have it." He pushed his cup of coffee towards me.

"Sir, I don't.." I wanted to have that cup of steaming cup just as much as I wanted a life. I hadn't had food for a 12 hours now and having said that I won't be getting dinner, I might as well take it.

But something assured me the coffee wasn't for free, there was surely a catch.

"Have it. I know you want to. I'll pay." He said with his gaze still on me.

I sipped at the coffee once. I felt the hot brew clear the throbbing veins that lead to my head. I closed my eyes and didn't open them once until I had the entire cup till the last drop. I felt brighter and the effect the coffee had on me was no less.

I sat up straight and looked into his eyes. If there was anything I could do for this kind stranger, I could sit and listen him out.

"I want you to come with me."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2016 ⏰

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