2. Guilty Heart

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Seraphina cast a wary glance beyond the frosted windowpane, as if expecting more wolf walkers to come hunt them down. Behind her, the faint beeping of Silas's heart monitor reassured her that he was still alive. Deeply wounded, but not dead.

An undertone of bleach and lemon-scented cleaning solutions wafted through the room. Seraphina didn't contact the Supernatural Council in fear of how they'd react upon discovering his bite mark. Lycanthropy was a blood curse. A fatal one.

If she'd taken him to their hospital in Briarwood, they would've blessed his damned heart with a mercy injection to halt the transformation. The only alternative was a back-alley clinic in Nevermourn of a vampire that she'd known long enough but rarely visited. Seraphina couldn't bear to watch him die after he'd risked his life to save hers.

Slithers of sunlight pooled in from beyond the curtains she'd opened earlier to brighten up the dimly lit room, devoid of any interior decorating otherwise. Seraphina noticed the bed was equipped with restraints that tucked underneath the crevices and shivered at the thought of having to use them. Some vampires lost complete control when deprived of blood for too long or fell into an intense bloodlust, so it was understandable to have, but it still gave her goosebumps. At least they didn't need them for Silas.

The door creaked open just enough for the vampire doctor to slip inside like a shadow. His eyes glowed a brilliant shade of red, slanting in their direction. He gently closed the door behind him. Sebastian Wraith carried a clipboard under the crook of his arm and offered her a polite smile as he made his way to the foot of Silas's bed.

"He'll sleep for quite a few hours," Sebastian explained. "That's usually when the symptoms hit the worst once infected, but I've given him a strong pain medication so he hopefully won't feel a thing during it."

"Will he be okay?" Seraphina asked as she fiddled with a pendant around her neck.

"You brought him here just in time. Had you not, there's no telling what might've happened to him. His heart's quite fragile. That's why I've given him a sedative as well, to keep him from awakening during the first transformation."

"Gods." Seraphina bit her trembling lower lip. "He put himself in danger to save me. Hell, he came out of nowhere! I rarely see anyone up at these hours. Normally, I'm all alone when walking to my bakery to prepare the baked goods."

"Guess he had his reasons." Sebastian shrugged then brushed a strand of wavy, black hair out of his face. "If you're busy, I don't mind watching over him."

"No, I need to do it. I got him into this mess. The least I can do is be here."

"There's something else I should prepare you for." Sebastian placed his clipboard on the nightstand. "Silas may not wish to live as a wolf walker."

"I can't imagine anyone would." Seraphina's throat tightened with guilt.

"I can only control what happens within my clinic, but he could seek outside help with ending things. Many folks around here sell potent elixirs and protection charms to ward off wolf walkers. It would be simple enough to get his hands on wolfsbane," Sebastian explained.

Seraphina tensed. "Why would he do such a thing?"

"You've witnessed how cruel your wizard community is when it comes to vampires." Sebastian bared his fangs with a grimace. "Imagine how hateful they'll be toward wolf walkers once they learn one resides among them. Silas will need to be cautious of everyone."

"It should be me laying there. Not him." Seraphina folded her arms across her chest, shivering.

"Don't blame yourself." Sebastian frowned. "It is concerning how a wolf walker crossed into Briarwood. You'll have to inform the Supernatural Council soon, especially when they discover the slain wolf in the middle of the street."

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