5. Fear the Wolf

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Someone wanted to send a very bloody message.

Seraphina crouched down to examine the body better, but she detected no traces of black magic. From the jagged fleshy bits of skin hanging off the corpse and the mess of intestines that poured out like slimy red snakes, she could only assume something had gnawed the poor bastard to death.

Seraphina sent up a smoke signal to alert the correct authorities, and the unique black coloring and magic would let them know it came from her. In the meantime, she tried to find anything to identify the corpse. The frame didn't match Silas's father, thank goodness, but that only raised more questions about who the victim was.

Nothing indicated a vampire had committed the heinous crime, but she couldn't help thinking about that frenzied vamp who'd attacked them the night prior. Would they go as far as gnawing on intestines if severely starved? Seraphina wasn't sure, but her thoughts drifted to the possibility of another wolf walker as well.

"Who is that?" Silas asked softly, keeping his distance.

"Not sure." Seraphina shook her head before she cast a spell to empty everything within the victim's pockets. Only some coins and a pack of mints flew out. "No ID on him. Killer must've taken it. Or ate it."

Silas recoiled. "You don't think... I mean, I don't remember going outside before meeting you. I would know if I turned, right?"

Seraphina met his gaze, brows dipped in a frown. "I really doubt you did this, and please, never say such a thing again. If I'm interrogated, they could force me to relive this conversation with you admitting guilt."

"It's just a thought." Silas shuffled on his feet. "I mean, it's not impossible, right? What if I turned and hurt someone?" He made a sickened face, as if he'd puke again.

Seraphina reached into her robe's pocket for a nausea-soothing elixir, wishing she'd thought to give it to him sooner. It sparkled with white and red liquid, faintly smelling of peppermint. "Take this." She handed it to him. "It'll help your stomach. And I honestly doubt you turned. You'd feel it afterward."

Silas took a gulp of the medicine, then handed it back to her. "Thanks. I guess you're right. Everything's just so messed up right now."

"I know." Seraphina guided him away from the dead body. "I'm sorry I've dragged you into this."

"Do you know what's going on?" Silas asked, worry lines etching his forehead.

"Not really. All I know is someone's messing with us. They left this body here as a warning for you." Seraphina cast a wary glance behind them at the crescent blood moon. "I think they know what happened."

Silas trembled. "You don't think someone will rat me out to the council, do you?"

Before Seraphina could respond, they froze at the sound of the gate latch. A familiar figure emerged from around the corner, donned in a blue robe and snow boots.

"What's going on?" Mr. Rosewood asked, wrinkling his nose as he stepped closer. "Oh Gods." He reeled back and clamped a hand over his mouth. "Is that..?"

"Dad!" Silas rushed to his side. "We just got home and found... this. Seraphina already alerted the authorities. They should be here any moment now."

"It's Mr. Snowberry, isn't it?" he asked.

Seraphina tilted her head and tried to imagine the wizard from the bloodied corpse. "It could be. Any reason why he'd be around here?"

"I'm not sure." Mr. Rosewood shook his head. "Mercy on us all, have the dead returned?" He gazed around his backyard with suspicion, tightening his grip on his wand.

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