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With my knees lifted against my chest I sat in the train. We passed an open meadow and I saw some sheep in the distance. I was already wearing my school uniform accentuated with the typical Slytherin colours, green and silver. My sixth year at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry began today, but this year would be different, thanks to my father. Suddenly the door swept aside erupting the silence. 'Can I sit here?' A first year with brown hear and blue eyes asked. Would he be sorted in Slyterin? That was the question that immediatly popped in my head. I sighed and focused my attention back on the moving landscape, I wasn't in the mood to be polite, not now. My head was spinning and my arm was burning.

I saw out of the corner of my eye that the boy sat down across from me. 'Louis,' he smiled and he reached his hand out for me to shake it. Without a word I looked to his hand hanging in the air, I didn't make any anticipation to shake it. Just leave me alone, I thought. 'Oh, okay, sorry,' Louis said, I saw the disappointment in his eyes. I sighed. That boy couldn't help it that my mood was so bad. Stupid mission. 'Sorry, Claire,' I held my hand up for him to shake it, his face immediatly lightened up. He shaked cheerfully my hand. 'So Louis, in which house do you think you will be sorted in?' He shrugged. 'I hope Gryffindor.' Of course he does, the house of the brave, of Harry Potter. At that moment Louis saw the crest on my gown. 'Oh, so you are in Slytherin.' I nodded. 'Is it true that there are only wizards with pure blood there?' He asked. I nodded again. 'Oh, then I won't be sorted into Slytherin.' I smiled at him. 'Why do you think so?' I asked. 'Because I'm a muggleborn.' Louis said casually. My face dropped, I should hate his guts right now, if I were to follow my father's words. Muggles were the evil scum of the world, that sentence was drilled into my mind during the whole summer. 'How do you know all those things then, about the houses and stuff.' My voice sounded harder then I wanted it to be. 'Hagrid told me.' Of course, muggleborns were guided by a teacher. Sneep guided me in my first year, but I was different, I wasn't a muggleborn.

I had to go to the bathroom, so I stood up quietly and I walked out without saying anything to Louis. My heartbeat raised when I realised what was coming next: to get to the bathroom, I had to pass the carriage with the other Slytherins of my year. Draco. Our bond had changed this summer, since I stayed at his place. We had become friends, actually he was my only friend here, but our friendship probably wouldn't go further at school. I was far out of his league, his friends would never accept me. As fast as I could, I passed the Slytherins, I saw how a blond haired guy looked at me, I felt his eyes burning on my back. I walked faster. Why had father given us both the same mission? Now I should need to obligate him to work with me. Thankfully I arrived at the bathroom, but I still needed to return.

'Claire?' I heared, I squinted. Why couldn't he just let me pass without disturbing me? 'Yes.' I turned and faced Draco. 'Come sit with us.' He scooted a little bit aside, so there was an empty space on the bench where I could sit. I sighed and sat down. Immediately he swung his arm around my shoulders, I saw Pansy Parkinson looking at me with anger in her eyes. I ignored her and looked past Draco outside. I had thought that Draco would ignore me, but clearly he wasn't planning on it. We shared a lot of secrets, Draco and I, of which there were too many bad.

The carriage filled itself with black smoke. What the hell? I looked around me, but couldn't see a thing, Draco had removed his arm from my shoulders and I heard him moving anxiously. 'By Merlins beard.' I heard somebody whisper. Very slowly the smoke vanished and my sight returned. Just in time I saw the white sole of a shoe above the table. Did I imagine that? I looked up and saw some luggage slightly moving on the rack. Confused I looked next to me and I saw Draco looking up as well, then his face turned to me. We shared a glance. We probably thought the same, somebody climbed up to spy on us. Too bad for him, because now we wouldn't say anything interesting, not that I was planning to share my secrets with Parkinson. I focused my attention again on the window and some seconds later I felt Draco's arm around me again.

The train slowed down, we were almost there. Around us everybody was gathering their bags. Goyle and Pansy, who were sitting across from us, stood up. They looked at Draco, waiting, his arm was still around my shoulder. 'Go, we will come in a minute.' He said and looked at me with a sneaky smile. Everybody stepped out of the train, except for us. 'Petrificus Totalus.' Draco yelled, pointing his wand at the rack. With a bang somebody fell off of it, an invisibility cloak revealed his owner. Harry Potter. I froze. 'Potter,' Draco snarled, I saw his foot going down and with full strength he hit Harry's face. I closed my eyes, I wasn't eager to see this. As fast as I could, I walked out, a few minutes later Draco stepped out of the train as well. 'He got what he deserved.' He said with a mean smile. He swung his arm around my shoulders again and together we walked down the station.

There was still one last carriage left, me and Draco jumped on it. I squized my eyes. At the front of the carriage there were two uncanny creatures. It seemed like they were the ones pulling it. I had never seen anything like it before, normally the carriages pulled theirselves. They looked shrivelled and were pitch-black. Next to me was Draco, also looking at the horses. 'What are those?' he asked. I shrugged. 'I don't know.' Quickly I turned away, I didn't want to see them anymore. A shiver crawled over my back. 'Does your mark still burn as well?' he asked, I looked straigth in his beautiful eyes. 'Yes.' I covered my arm with my hand. A few seconds later Draco's hand was laying on mine. 'Are you okay?' I nodded, but I felt the tears welling up, this was becoming too much. 'Would somebody know?' Draco looked confused at me. 'What?' I sighed. 'You know, that he is my father.' With a painful glare Draco looked at me. 'No, nobody should know it.' He said, reassuring me. I looked nostalgic at him. He was normal now, like he had been in the summer, but would he be the same as soon as we joined his friends. 'What's wrong?' He asked, waking me from my thoughts. 'Nothing,' I said harshly and looked away.

I noticed that there weren't any carriages coming behind us. Did that mean that Harry Potter would ride back? I felt a strange sort of pain in my hart, it would be my fault if he would. I still didn't feel good when I did something mean or when I hurt somebody. I tried to, just to make my father proud. My father might be the darkest wizard in the world, he still was and always will be my father. Nothing would change that. And I wanted to be a worthy daughter, following his footsteps.

Daughter of Voldemort (Eng) (fanfic Harry Potter)Where stories live. Discover now