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" don't leave yet! Can't you stay here?"

"Aw, Katie, you know this is going to be great for me! You can come visit any time, you know." I was at the airport, waiting for my flight to be called. Oh, by the way, hi, new diary! My name's Laura. I'm currently 19 years old and fresh out of college. I was at Dodo Airlines with my Mom and little sister Katie, who's 13. The waiting area for my flight was practically deserted, with the exception of a yellow rabbit wearing a superhero costume, who was talking on the phone, and an orange bear lifting.. weights? THAT was weird. Anyway, I was there because I had finally found a great new place to live. Don't get me wrong, I loved living with my family, but I didn't plan on mooching off of them forever. I needed to get out there! So while browsing the internet for houses up for rent, an add popped up for an island residence. It was relatively cheap, and the rent was actually pretty good! Not to mention the new experiences and people I'd meet! So I'd bought a one way ticket to the island. I had packed everything I would need. Some basic cooking utensils, plenty of clothes, writing material, books, and a lot more. I had packed about four suitcases full of stuff, so I was pretty sure I was ready. Anyway, Katie had wrapped her arms around my torso and buried her face in my sweater. My heart absolutely melted. Katie was my shadow since the moment she could crawl, and we shared all of our secrets, had sleepovers, read together, and more. But she's a teenager now, and I need to get a job and find somewhere to live. Still, it was a really hard choice. Then, an announcement came on. 

"Will all passengers for flight 558 please board at gate 7? Repeat, flight 558 at gate 7." That was my flight! Katie drew her head out and took a deep breath. 

"I love you, Laura."

"I love you too, Katie. Love you Mama." Dang it! That really got to me. I pulled them all into a big group hug, which squeezed a tear or two out of my eyes.

"Remember to call whenever you need anything! And feel free to come home anytime! Don't forget to call ever night!" Mama called, as I went to the gate.

"Don't worry! I will! I love you guys!" I yelled back. After a little walking, I arrived at the gate. Now I was the one who was taking deep breaths. It still wasn't too late to turn around... maybe... NO! I thought. I am a mature young adult, and I can do this. "Hello!" I said, as I approached the dodo who was taking tickets.

"Hello there! Can I have your ticket?" I nodded and handed it to him. "Great! Now, if you could hand your suitcases over to my friend Orville, we can get you into the air right away!" I looked around and saw another dodo who was loading suitcases into a different plane. I walked over and handed my suitcase to him.

"Thanks!" I said, when he took them. He looked over at me, then began to speak in a deep voice.

"So you're the new island rep. Good, Mr. Nook was just about to cancel the island package." He said, turning back to the suitcases. I just stood there for a bit, processing the information and what he had just said. 

"Um, I don't think that you understand. I'm not actually buying the island, I-" I was cut off by the P.A announcing the last flight to the island. "Oop! That's my flight!" I said, and scurried off. 

Later, when I was comfortably seated on the plane, the yellow bunny got up and sat in the seat next to me. 

"Hey, there, cottontail! I'm Mira, what's your name?" She said cheerily. 

"Oh! Hi, Mira. I'm Laura." I was a bit taken aback, but she seemed so at home and familiar that in no time flat we were having conversations that all ended in laughter. Eventually, the orange bear made his way over and sat in the row across from us. 

"Hey there, gooorf. Nice to meet ya. You guys are all headed to the same island? It's going to be the best way to get shredded!" He exclaimed. And so that's how the rest of our flight went. And finally, we landed. As we stepped out onto the island I took a deep breath and looked into the sky. 

"It's new horizons, Katie, Mama. I've made it!"

Animal Crossing Diaries: My New HorizonsWhere stories live. Discover now