Arranged Marriage to Mr Obnoxious

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It was a Saturday like any other. I had just got back from a great shopping trip at the mall. I had taken the most relaxing shower and now, I was brushing my hair. As you can probabily tell by now, I am a optimist, and a pround one too. I was just listening to music on the radio and brushing my hair, when I heard a knock on the door.

"It's open!" I sung, to who ever was on the other side of the door.

The door slowly opened, reviling both my parents. They both had, rare, look of guilt on their faces, which immediantly got my attention. What now? Despite all the negitive thoughts which had come rushing into my head, I forced a smile and pushed the thought out of my head.                                      They might have good news...

"Umm....come in?" I more questioned then offered. Both of them came in a took a seat on my bed. I turned to look at them. "Are you going to tell me what's going on? Or will I have to spend 30 minutes promising that I won't get upset  and angry - which I probabily will" I asked.

"Ok. You see the thing is princess..." my Dad began and he called me princess, damn, this must be really bad - better prepare my self for the worst. "'re having an arranged marriage." I looked at him as if he was crazy, I mean he must be. Me? Have an arranged marriage? At the age of 20? In this century? He must be joking. I started laughing, which led to my parents giving my a 'are-you-crazy' look. I stopped laughing and asked, "Are you serious? You are arent you? B..but....why?" is all I could manage to say at this point.

My Mum sighed and got up to put an arm around me. For a second I considered pushing her away,I meanhow could they do that to me - without asking, but I should at least hear them out first, right?

"Well you see sweetie - this had all been arranged even before you were born" Mum told me and she went into this long story about my ancestors and how they promised each other that their children down the line would get married. 

How can they promise about someone else's life? Esspecially as something as serious and important as this? Yeah, I guess the optimist in me was slowly dieing. 

Mum concluded the story telling me that, this was all in repect for out ancestors, or something along those lines. No offence to my ancestors, but what respect? I didn't even know them! 

"We're going to meet them tomorrow night, for dinner, at their house" Dad told me rather calmly. "I'm sure you'll be pleased." he continued "Your mother and I have known Coleman's for a good 10 years" He finished, I guess he was trying to make me feel better. 

"W...Wh...What his name?" I managed to ask. "Adam." Dad reponded.

After making sure I was a little calmed down from the shock - my parents threw at me, they left the room. I did feel a little bad for them. I'm sure they would change the situation if they could. I sighed and fell onto my bed burying my face into my pillow. I decided to call my best friend, Roxanne.

Ring ring, ring ring....I heard the phone ring.

"Jazmyn!!" I heard from the other side. Her voice never failed to make me smile.

"Listen, Roxy, I really got to talk to you about something important" I told her before she made any light-hearted jokes.

"I'm all ears, babe" she said sounding more serious. Though we did like making fun of the way the cheerleaders called each other 'babe'. I took a deep breath and spat out what had just happened. I told her everything from the moment they entered the room, to the ancestor story.

"Wow! That's....Thats...a very...unexpecting problem" She said finally. She sounded just as confused as I felt.

In the next 30 minutes Roxy, tried to pump the optimism back into me, tell me 'Adam' is probably the best guy ever, even possibly my dream guy. I appreicated her kind gesture - but there was a feeling in me highly doubting 'Adam' to being Mr Perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2013 ⏰

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