Chapter 1: New Life

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Night woke up from his long slumber. There was a loud buzzing sound coming from the fluorescent lights on the ceiling. Night looked at his surroundings. He was in a small, metal room with a door in front of him. He turned to his left and saw a girl dressed in abnormal clothes. Her clothes mostly had black and white colors with some bright and muted colors. She had long silky red hair with black and white at the end of her hair. Her left eye was an emerald, green color with a silver color bordering the emerald green. Her right eye was a mix of sky blue, gunmetal blue, and electric blue with a black color bordering the mixed blue color. Her skin was a light white color. She had very large boobs. She looked down at Night.

"Hello, Master Night. You're finally awake." The girl said in a nice friendly voice. Night stared at her. She called him "master" for some reason. He got off his bed which was a thin mattress on a block of metal. Night scratched his head.

"Where am I? Who are you?" Night asked the girl. Night's head was in pain. He couldn't remember for the life of him how he got here. The only things he could remember were his name, age, height, gender, and some bits of himself.

"I am Ryoko Akari Mitsuki Eiji Kayda Tatsuo Kaida Saku or Ramektks. I'm a PSMH or Personal Servant Maid Helper." Ramektks said. Night wondered why Ramektks had such a long name. Ramektks raised more questions in his mind. He knew what a servant and a maid was. But why was Ramektks in his room? He wondered if Ramektks knew more about this place than he did.

"Where am I? What is this place?" Night asked Ramektks. Ramektks was his only hope for his answers.

"Well, you are in the space station Andromeda orbiting the planet Manoris. Manoris is a massive planet with toxic air for humans. There are creatures on the Manoris called Bulats. Bulats have extremely dense skin that a lot of laser guns and other weapons cannot pierce. If you attack one, it will let out a loud screech calling the other Bulats to attack you. They are not hostile unless provoked." Ramektks said. Night got worried about the Bulats. They sounded very scary to him. He placed his right hand on his head.

"Am I dreaming? Are you real? Is any of this real?" Night asked Ramektks. He felt like this was just a dream or maybe even a nightmare for all he knew. All of this seemed so fake to him.

"I assure you that this is all real. You can touch yourself or touch me to see if you are really dreaming, Master Night." Ramektks said. Night walked to Ramektks. He touched Ramektks arms, hair, legs, and chest. Ramektks felt very real to him. He pinched himself. He felt pain. This was all the proof he needed to tell he wasn't in a dream. He was baffled by everything. How'd he get here? Why was he here? Why was Ramektks his PSMH? Nothing made sense to him.

"See? This isn't a dream at all. You are one of the many other teenagers in space station Andromeda. Very few teenagers are given PSMHs here." Ramektks said. Night looked at Ramektks dead in the eyes.

"Why are very few teenagers given PSMHs here?" Night asked.

"I'll explain this simply so your autistic mind can understand what I'm saying. Your blood is of a very rare and valuable type. Your blood in particular has a mix of gold ichor which is the golden fluid that flowed in the veins of gods and immortals and normal blood. You have both gold ichor and normal blood flowing through you. Some of the other teenagers have about 15% gold ichor flowing through their veins but, you have nearly 50% gold ichor flowing through your veins making you very rare and extremely valuable. The valuable ones are given PSMHs to watch over these rare teenagers to hopefully awaken their latent powers. Some gained the power to teleport, breathe in space and underwater, increased strength, and a lot of other powers. You are the first one ever to have almost 50% gold ichor in you. One of the other teenagers who became the most well-known hero has only 25% gold ichor in them. Their name is Startina. She has the power to create any weapon she wants, super speed, and super strength. She had a PSBH. A Personal Servant Butler Helper. Her PSBH name is Sebastian. Anyways. How can I assist you, Master Night?" Ramektks explained. This was a lot of information for Night to take in. He was apparently very rare and valuable. But why was he here? Was it to awaken his latent powers? Maybe these people wanted to take his blood? He wasn't sure. He just wanted to leave this place.

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