Liara and FemShep Embrace Eternity (Mass Effect)

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Liara and Commander Shepard share an intimate moment before a dangerous mission to Ilos.

Featuring: Commander Jane Shepard (AKA, FemShep), Liara T'Soni


· Commander Shepard is the main protagonist of the Mass Effect video game trilogy. She is a human with different appearances, backstories, and combat abilities based on player choice. Her standard design is an early-30s Caucasian woman with shoulder-length red hair, a fit body, and a stern yet attractive visage. Her personality is somewhat player determined, but she's generally a tough and strong-minded woman with a knack for getting the job done at all costs. In Mass Effect, Commander Shepard has uncovered a galactic threat known as the Reapers, an ancient race of artificially intelligent beings who are bent on eliminating advanced organic life. In her adventures, Shepard recruits diverse and captivating squad mates from all over the galaxy to help her stop the Reapers and a rogue agent, Saren.

· Liara T'Soni is a main supporting character of Mass Effect. She is an Asari woman in her young adult years. Asari are mono-gender humanoid aliens from the planet Thessia. Despite their blue skin and tentacle-like protrusions instead of hair, Asari bodies and faces otherwise resemble attractive human females, though other alien species tend to perceive Asari as resembling their own attractive females. Asari have the unique ability to procreate with other species, often believing that Asari offspring with non-Asari "fathers" are superior due to genetic diversity. Liara is a renowned scientist who has joined Commander Shepard on her journey due to her expert knowledge of ancient civilizations, which makes her a valuable asset in combating the Reapers. Liara is known for being intelligent yet socially naïve; she has a pretty face with freckles on her nose and cheeks, and she is one of the few Asari with the semblance of eyebrows.

Note: This story isan adaptation of canonical events in the original Mass Effect story. While theintimate scenes are an embellishment of what is shown in the game, they areconsistent with the original story. Actual events and dialogue from the gameare included in this narrative to aid in fan immersion. 

FemShepand Liara, fan art by MartaLaz

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FemShepand Liara, fan art by MartaLaz.

She was sitting at her desk on the Normandy starship, gazing out the window at the endless stars beyond, reflecting. She'd become a true trailblazer, an intergalactic pioneer. She was the first known being to make contact with the ancient Prothean race; the first human SPECTRE, a special agent for the interspecies Citadel Counsel; and she sought to be the first commander to return her crew from a doomsday mission through the Mu Relay, a mysterious mass effect relay that launched ships thousands of lightyears seemingly into nowhere, never to return. The gravity of it all was immense – forget the proverbial monkey on her shoulders, this was a full-grown Krogan back there.

Someone rang the bell at her cabindoor. She was eager to embrace the distraction. "Come in."


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