The S word. (Crossover and Sneak peak.)

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Here's a special sneak peak for my Total drama and Dreamworks series.

Geoff, Brody and Bridgette belong to Total drama island and the Ridonculous race.

(P.s this scene is a reference to Disney Dinosaurs episode "Baby talk.")

(Warning: Swearing.)

John Dory: Ok contestants the key to play this game is to lift your knees. (To Geoff, Brody and Bridgette.) Read you three.

Floyd: Uh...john i don't think using your hair as a lifting tool, is a good id-

Geoff: (Interrupts.) Ok Dk, Square dude.

Bridgette: (To brody.) Ready?

Brody: Let's do this. (Spits saliva in his hands and rubs it together.)

(The contestants, the game host and hostess and the host, watch as Geoff, Brody and Bridgette lift the piano with there knees as John uses his teal hair as a lifting tool, everything was going smoothly until John's back made a loud crack!)


John Dory: AUGH! MY Back!!! 

(John puts his hands around his back, as he remove his hair hair from the bottom piano when suddenly the piano collapse as on one of the piano legs smash his small foot.)

John Dory: AUGH! S!#$!!! (Holds his foot and jump around like a hopping flamingo.) MY foot!!!

(The contestants, the game host and hostess, the animals, the camera and the host gasp in shock to hear John Dory Pop out a swear word in front of tv.)

Geoff: (Gently drops the piano.) Woah J.D!

Brody: (Drops the piano on the other side.) Square dude.

Bridgette: (Puts her one hand on her hoodie as her other hand points, in shock but calm and chill voice.) John who said the S word.

John Dory I know...(Gently put his damage foot on the grass.) It's not like Bruce's (Spruce's.) Kids are watching. Right?

Geoff: Uh...dude. (Points.) You may wanna be carefull for like an hour now.

(The camera moves to reveal Bruce's (Spruce's.) Muppet/dog/Vacationer kids all standing in front of everybody.

Bruce's/Spruce's 13 kids: (Waving.) Hi, Uncle John!

John Dory: HOLY S!#$!!!

Bruce/Spruce: (Offscreen and yells.) JOHN!!! NOT IN FRONT OF MY KIDS!!!

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