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/\ headshot by StarvioletFury

Name: Datura

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Specie: Desert Dragon (I will probably make a reference form for this specie, and think for another name...)
(Inspired by Wings of Fire Sandwings)

Personality: Datura is fierce, instinctive and rigorous. She always wants to do logical and thoughtful things. She never left something unfinished, even if it becomes relentless.


Mother: a unnamed little dragon
Father: a unnamed and unknown dragon
Brothers: two unnamed dragons (maybe I will name them later...)

Story: Datura was born in a little desert town named [I can't figure out a name for now]. She lived in a poor family and had to steal to feed her mother and her two little brothers. Over the years, she became the best assassin of [Desert area name I haven't chosen yet], continuing murdering and assassinations until the Solar Royal Guard (The desert kingdom's soldiers) arrived in [the name of the town again] to catch her. The king proposed her either join the guard as the herborist with her great knowledge of plants, either be locked in a jail for the remaining of her life.
Obviously, she chose to become the new army's herborist. Actually, she is still working for them and she has (almost) stopped her criminal activities.

Abilities: Datura can breath fire, inject venom with her scorpion-like tail and use medicinal or poisonous plants. She is also skillful with knifes.

Fact: The datura is a toxic flower wich can be seen in Mexico and in the southwest of the USA.


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