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It was summer time, when we warmed ourselves with the feeling of love
It was good, it felt new, it felt different
It was like nothing before and all I wanted to do was to surrender
It was pretty.....

Then, it was autumn, when the daylight became shorter
Temperature became cooler
Just like that....
Green leaves left
Yellow, orange, red and brown enters
It was cool but still we had our warmth
It was pretty......

Last it was winter and still is, when ice accumulates
Temperature starts freezing
Harsh chilly winds slapping on face
Just like that.....
It's hard time, we can't harvest and all we can do is take a break and wait
It's pretty or ugly or maybe both.....

Now, will come summer again, with the same warmth
Every ice will start to melt
Harvesting will be back in trend
Question is that, will it be previous one? Or
Will it be new one?
Personally, hope it's the one I surrendered myself into
Wishing it to be prettiest.....

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