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Sleep that night was a stranger to you. You tossed and turned nodding off only to be jerked back awake by the consequences of your actions. Before long the first light of day was breaking through your window. You decided to abandon sleep and instead start getting ready for work. You showered, dressed and collected the large pile of assignments before loading them into your car and driving to the school. You made it through the day by drinking copious amounts of coffee and plastering on the best fake smile you could manage. Making it home that night you abandoned all thoughts of food and went straight to bed. Yet once again in your quite apartment you were meet with the thoughts of the decision looming over you. Maybe the best solution was to leave Hawkins. Move somewhere new and try again after all isn't that why you moved here in the first place, for a fresh start. You quickly abandoned that idea, you didn't have the money and it was hard enough landing the teaching job in Hawkins let alone looking elsewhere.

And so you went another night with very little sleep. Your week went by at a snail's pace. You thought you were doing a good job hiding your inner turmoil but apparently one particular student had noticed something was a miss with you and decided he needed to check in.

"Hi Miss Y/L/N I was just wondering if your okay you seem very distracted this week, I mean normally you laugh at all my jokes but you haven't even laughed at one, I'll admit some weren't that funny, but I thought a few were pretty good" Dustin rambled standing in the doorway of your classroom

"I'm fine Dustin just some adult drama you don't need to worry about" You smiled at the curly haired boy

"Is it to do with Steve?" Dustin pushed "Cause his like my best friend I can talk to him if you like"

"No it's not Steve, but thank you Dustin"

"Well the offers there, see you next week Miss" Dustin smiled walking away

"See you next week" You smiled

You finished packing up your desk glad it was Friday and walk out to your car. In the parking lot you found Dustin, Lucas, Will and Mike goofing around with Eddie who looked like he was picking the boys up from school probably to go play Dungeons and Dragons. You wanted to hurry to your car to avoid being spotted by him. But you stared in the boys direction just a little too long. Eddie looked up from loading the boys into the back of his van just long enough to see you watching. He said something to the boys that you were too far away to hear before jogging over to you. You froze in place, wanting to run but your feet not allowing you to.

"Hi" Eddie smiled coming to a stop in front of you

"Hi Eddie" You gave a small smile back

"Uh oh someones not happy, kids give you hell?" Eddie chuckled

"Eddie" You looked to the ground "I..."

"Y/n whats the matter?" Eddie became serious

"I'm so sorry" You whispered

"What was that?" Eddie asked placing a hand on your elbow "I didn't quite catch that"

"I'm sorry" You looked up at him

"Sorry? For what?" Eddies face was filled with worry and concern

"Last weekend...I loved our date I really did but I also went on a few other dates and now I don't know what to do, I messed up and I don't know what I'm suppose to do, I'm so sorry Eddie" You rambled a few tears escaping to run down your face

"Jesus H. Christ" Eddie turned away from you running a hand through his hair "How many other dates?" Eddie asked still facing away from you eyes closed


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