Chapter 3

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Navia and Clorinde woke up the next morning and cuddled in each other's arms, feeling the warmth of the morning sun on their faces. As the sounds of the city outside drifted into the apartment, Navia felt a rush of love and happiness as she realised that she was finally with the girl she loved the most in the whole world. She kissed Clorinde's cheek and said, "I love you."
Clorinde mumbled as she rolled over and buried her head into Navia's shoulder. "Mmm, I love you too," she said, her voice still groggy with sleep.

Clorinde looked at her beautiful fiancée and smiled. "I have a surprise for you," she said, her eyes sparkly with excitement. "We're going to a ball!"
Navia's eyes widened and her heart started racing. She had never been to a ball before and she was filled with anticipation at the thought of going with Clorinde.
Clorinde's smile grew wider and she took Navia's hand. "Come on, you'll look absolutely stunning, and I can't wait to see your face when you walk into the ballroom."

Navia followed Clorinde, holding onto her hand tightly as they hurried down the street. As they turned the corner, Navia saw the mansion where the ball was being held. It was a magnificent building, lit up with colourful lights and decorations. She could already hear the music and the sound of laughter coming from inside.
Clorinde took Navia's hand and led her up the steps and into the ballroom. As they walked in, Navia's jaw dropped in awe. The room was filled with people dressed in elaborate costumes, dancing and laughing. Clorinde squeezed her hand and smiled at her.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Clorinde whispered. Navia could barely breathe, she had never seen anything so gorgeous in her life. She felt her heart beating quickly and she was overwhelmed by the sights, sounds and the smell of the flowers and perfumes. As they walked through the crowd, Navia noticed people whispering and staring at Clorinde, but their gaze soon shifted to her once they caught sight of her beautiful dress and hair.
Clorinde's hand tightened around Navia's as they found an empty spot on the dance floor and joined in with the other dancers.

As the band struck the first chords of the song, Clorinde led Navia onto the dance floor and took her place in her arms. Navia was nervous at first but as they started to dance together, she felt her worries and fears fade away. Clorinde stepped gracefully, leading Navia around the dance floor in a dizzying waltz. Navia felt like she was floating on air as she watched her fiancee's face, her eyes sparkling and her lips curved in a beautiful smile. She felt like this was the perfect moment and she never wanted the dance to end.

The band continued playing and Clorinde and Navia danced for what felt like forever. Navia felt like they were in their own world away from everyone else, and she couldn't remember ever being so happy. As the song ended, Navia and Clorinde stepped apart and Navia took a moment to catch her breath. She looked down and saw a bouquet of flowers in Clorinde's hand. Was she planning on proposing at the ball? Navia wondered. The band struck up again, and everyone returned to the dance floor.

Clorinde took Navia's hand and pulled her back out to the dance floor. As the orchestra played a slow waltz, the dancers swung into a new rhythm. Clorinde placed the bouquet on Navia's arm and began to swirl her around the dance floor again. Navia felt like she was in a fairytale, her heart fluttering with butterflies until finally Clorinde stopped and took a deep breath.
They looked up at each other for a moment, both of them taking a moment to catch their breath. Clorinde looked deep into Navia's eyes and gently took the flowers back.

As they stood in the middle of the dance floor, everyone in the ballroom looked on in anticipation. Clorinde reached under her jacket and pulled out the small box she had been hiding. She opened it and held out her hand towards Navia. In her palm was a stunning diamond ring, glittering in the light of the ballroom.
Clorinde knelt down on one knee, looking up at Navia with the most romantic gaze. Navia's breath caught in her throat as their eyes met again.
"Navia, will you marry me?" Clorinde asked, her eyes filled with love.

Navia's heart stopped as she looked down at Clorinde, her hands trembling as she looked at the sparkling ring in her fiancee's hand. In that moment, the only thing she could think of was her love for Clorinde and how much she wanted her to be with her forever.
"Oh my god, yes!" Navia exclaimed. And she leaned in and gave Clorinde a kiss on the cheek. "I love you, and I am so happy you asked me to spend the rest of my life with you."

As everyone in the ballroom cheered and clapped, Clorinde pulled Navia close and kissed her passionately.
Their first dance as an engaged couple was one they would surely never forget. They felt like two hearts beating together, two souls united in love. As they danced throughout the evening, their joy was contagious and everyone around them felt the love in the air. And from that moment on, Navia and Clorinde were no longer two, but one, their lives intertwined like two birds of a feather.

As the orchestra started to play a final waltz, Clorinde reached out to Navia and pulled her close.
"Let's dance one last time as girlfriends," she said, smiling.
Navia laughed and nodded, "I'd like that."
The two girls danced around the ballroom, their eyes locked on each other and their hearts beating as one. Their first step into their new life would forever be remembered as a moment shared in love and joy. As the music faded, the two girls held each other close and shared a kiss in the midst of the cheering crowd.

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