Act I: Rebirth

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The pod clicks, air being vented from the sides as the front of the alien device lifts and opens. The woman inside's eyes snap open, she gasps for air as she jolts upward from her slumber.

She tries to take breaths, yet each breath taken feels like pure sulfur is being poured down her throat. Looking up and around, she sees the room she's in falling apart in flames.

Numerous pods just like the one she was trapped in surround the room in a circular fashion. In the center of them-an alien pool of tadpole like creatures.

The same creatures the mind flayer she had seen while trapped in the pod had forced into her eye. She curls her lips and nose in disgust, "Monsters...".

Looking around the burning room, she finds a greatsword. Taking the large sword, she bolts towards what seemed like a door.

As she stopped at the entrance of it, the odd door opened with twists and squelching. Trying to ignore the fact that the door seemed awfully like a sphincter in a body, she walked through.

Entering another room, she notices that this alien machinery is organic-the ship is alive. On a table to her right was a dead goblin, dissected and mutilated almost beyond recognition.

Goblins were not loved by those who weren't of their kin, but no one deserved the fate this goblin had been given. She bows her head, praying to the moon goddess Selûne to guide this soul to peace.

Once finished, she turned and ran straight out into the opening made by a red dragon attack. The sky was red, sulfur and ash particles flowed freely in the air.

A red dragon suddenly flew past her while chasing several red-winged creatures with horns. Judging by the flames, sulfur, ash and demons, she was in Avernus-the first layer of the nine hells.

Hearing shuffling just behind her, she turns just in time to see a Githyanki warrior flipping over her and landing in front of her.

"Abomination! This is your end!", the warrior declares with a growl in her tone-her blade aimed at Zelaina. Before she could try and diffuse the alien's hostility, the parasite in her skull wriggled and tugged.

Flashes of Githyanki soldiers, red dragons, and ships all play in her mind. She can hear the woman's thoughts—caution and fear.

The odd connection they shared between parasites just abruptly ended as it had appeared. Both women gasped for air as soon as they had control.

The Gith looks up at Zelaina with a small smirk of relief, sheathing her sword. "Tsk'va! You are no thrall! Vlaakith blesses me this day. Together, we might survive", she switches her tone.

Frowning, Zelaina looks the woman up and down. She's heard of—even seen—the Githyanki people, but she's never encountered the aliens before.

"Who are you?", she asks hoping to get a name. Instead, she cocks her head oddly while scowling at Zelaina as if she were inferior.

"Who am I? You're only chance at survival", she claims. Although doubting such, she didn't protest against the woman's help.

Looking past the alien, she sees several imps gnawing on a dead thrall. "What do you suggest?", she asks the woman with a raised brow.

She turns to look at what Zelaina was staring at, glaring at the devils. Walking closer to them, she draws her longsword, "First we deal with the imps, then we rush onward to the helm and take control of the ship".

Nodding, Zelaina unsheathes her greatsword and stands ready to charge the demons. The woman shouts a war cry and charges the demons with no hesitation.

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