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(Door bell rings)

(Hestia went out)

Hestia: oh my God!! It's here!! (Happy)

(Opened the gate)

(Saw the box)

Hestia: oh! There it is!

(A box flashed on his mind)

Hestia: wait.. I think I've seen a box in this same place before..

Maybe I'm just hallucinating..

(Giggles) let's open it!!

(Entered the gate)

(Standing in front of the mirror)

(Wearing a school uniform)

Hestia: woah! It looks beautiful on me

(Book on the table)

"The Eyes are Open"


(Walking in the hallway)

Hestia: this school is so big
from above here..

(There are a few students
in the school)

Hestia: there's still students here on Sunday..


Tomorrow is the day
and let's see my classroom..


(Wet sign)

(Some other students are running)

(One bumped at Hestia)

(Hestia slipped at the wet floor
and she fell down the stairs)

Hestia: ahHHHH!!!!!!!!

(Hestia landed on Daniel)

(They stared at each other)

(Hestia: this thing happened before..

But I don't know when
but I know this is the place and I think....

I really know him..)

Chapter 20: T

Daniel: are you okay?

(Hestia stand up)

Hestia: yeah I'm fine! Thank you for saving my life! Thank you so much!

Daniel: you're not gonna die on these stairs.. but you will end up having broken bones

Hestia: I'm worried that I might die

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