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THE AFTERNOON HEAT beat down mercilessly on the classroom, amplifying the sweltering heat that radiated from the iron sheets roofing. Sweet trickled down my tight neck as I struggled to concentrate.

Madam Nekesa stood rigidly at the front of the classroom, her stern gaze scanning on top of our heads. From the moment he started speaking, it was evident that the lesson would be as much boring as the countless others before.

‘’Today we are going to talk about’’ she said and stood there for a couple of minutes leaning forward, her palm resting on the desk and staring straight into the text book rolling her eyes as if she would absorb every knowledge from it into her black and gray haired head.

Her face seemed tired but her body showed strength of a woman who had struggled with students almost all her time. She was a great teacher but I hated the short temper on her. Her hands never dried of a stick; I think she just enjoyed watching our buttocks bounce. The goddess of letters, she had the best handwriting ever.

The sun hit her white dress that covered to her ankles and the rays bounced straight into my eyes, I had that problem with light, when I was a kid I could look straight into the bulbs, the doctors gave me glasses but I forget to put them. Always. I don't even want them anyway. She was to stay even for another period after her class since our history teacher was not around, so she would cover the time, I hated it.

I tilted my head to set my view somewhere else through the window to get afresh view maybe to reduce the light in my eyes. I was looking for afresh view. Indeed I found it; she leaned back on the wall with her arms crossed over her chest, her face a mess of sweat. She looked pretty tired as if from a marathon. She rummaged her black skirt pocket and pulled out a pink hunky which turned brown upon rubbing her face with it.

She now rested her palm on her left hip and the other on her forehead breathing heavily, her thick eye brows, widened hazels and opened mouth the same, I think to let circulation take place. OH MY GOD, she smiled. Mr. Justus approached her, still with that GOD damn killer smile.

"Travis!" madam Nekesa called "You can go out and meet her" she continued. The whole class burst out in laughter, all eyes on me.

Indeed I needed to meet her; I needed to inquire more about that smile. That smile was law breaking. I pulled out my book from under the desk and pushed her smile off my mind but my eyes managed a glance and she was gone. Her smile was the only thing stuck on my head.


I stood there leaning against the wall as I drenched with an ocean of sweat, I was tired after carrying my luggage, not even a single seat could be sighted around the compound nor anyone in view besides the smiling creature through the window, he was really annoying, as I thought of walking away from him, a bald headed old guy approached me all smilingly, I smiled back my disappointment in him. His baldness reminded me of my dad, all memories poured in upon the thought that I could not feel the heat of the sun rays on my skin anymore. His sight became blur on my eyes.

'That guy was supposed to be rotting in jail right now' I thought. But because of my dad, who to this point has no place in my life, besides being the fact that he is my biological father and at some point which I doubt, he is leaving around humans as if he is one of them. At times I just wish I was born in another family but anyway, we never get a chance to choose that.

I regret coming here in the first place, anyway it wouldn't have made any sense saying no because the guy who calls himself my dad was on it as if it was the best school ever. I wondered whether he was an old boy here or something. This school had no hospitality at all. But still, it's better that I was far away from that bastard.

The sun light struck the old man's bald head and it shone bright like my smile just switched a bulb on, I almost burst out laughing but I had to act like a good girl, not that I wasn't anyway.

"Good afternoon Bibian", wait how did he know my name?

"Good afternoon sir", my voice didn't come out the way I expected it, maybe because I was tired already.

"You are welcome" he said still with the big smile exposing his dark brown gum.

"Thank you" I followed him to his office and sat opposite him, a big brown table separating us.

He pulled out a box file from the drawer and started marking examination papers. Thirty minutes later, I was still in the same place as he continued marking the papers. I hated the awkward silence so I cleared my throat to signal that I was still in the room.

"Oh um sorry, I sent for someone to show you around but I think--" LIAR. The bell rung. It saved me. "Well, its changing class time so why don't you join your friends in class and then someone will show you around afterwards!" he finished. It sounded like a question but I didn't care, I just wanted out.

"Alright'' I rolled my eyes breaking off his hard stare.

He jot down a few words on the sticker paper and placed it in my palm.

"Go to the next classroom after this building and hand this to the teacher you find there".

I rushed out of the office and sighed a relief the moment I stepped outside. When dad insisted of me coming here, I thought this school was something great. The principal's office was at the end of the building and my class was on the beginning of the next building after his. In the office, wooden shelves all filled with box files, ajar of water on the tray sat on the big brown table and two glasses placed upside down.

Text books placed on the other sides of the table both on the left and right as if it was a library, a number of mathematics examination papers all over the floor, I guess he taught mathematics. His black coat hung on the hook at the shelves and under the coat, there rested a number of sticks. No question, thats how they managed to keep the good grades all around the area, the teachers enjoyed watching students' hips bounce as they hit them and now I was one of them. I am dead.

I really miss my mother, at least she could be there for me. I always promised myself that one time after I get eighteen, I will leave everything and everyone and start anew life on my own. Far away from all those that think that I am part of their family. Maybe even after I get eighteen I can save my mother and bring her back.


In the scorching heat, drops of sweat cascaded down the weary faces of the men as they relentlessly dug deeper into the garden. Each shovel thrust was filled with determination as they searched every where.

Mr. Mulwana anxiously paced back and forth, his mind consumed by a whirlwind of thoughts. He had frantically combed through every nook and cranny of their lavish home, overturning furniture and tearing apart drawers, but nothing. Frustration hit at him, driving him to enlist the help of these men, hoping they would unearth what seemed impossible to find.

''Anything?'' Mr Mulwana asked.

''No sir, but if I may ask sir, how does it look like?'' One of the men had asked.

''It is in a small black box, just look for any box that looks like a gift box'' he mouthed.

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