Chapter 11: A New Perspective

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Y'all know what time it is! I never thought I'd get this far but y'all are so supportive and I couldn't ask for a better community!

Luv u- MaskHappy

(C/D's pov)

Hours after the ball...

"I can't believe this! Why would Pink do something like this!" I ranted, pacing back and forth in my room and my pearl watched me.
The ball was going to be perfect, if it weren't for that human and Crystal Gems, if only Pink hadn't brought them along, the ball would've gone smoothly!

"After six thousand years of being on Earth, I can understand why she had forgotten proper etiquette, but this? She knows going onto the dancefloor was forbidden, but fusing? I can't tell if I'm angry at her or her nefarious friends!" I yelled, so frustrated I was basically in my own world.
"Ummm, my Diamond?" Pearl tried to get my attention.

"But no matter what she insists on bringing them around-"

"My Diamond-"

"It's like they've basically brainwashed her!-"

"My Diamond!" Pearl yelled, and I stopped, staring at her. "Yes? What is it, Pearl?" I replied. She seemed shaken, nervous to even speak.
"F-forgive me for raising my voice but- may I suggest we go and visit Pink Diamond? M-maybe asking her why, will help satiate your frustrations and curiosity?" She said with uncertainty.

I consider her words for a moment, although I'd like to know for myself, I knew I'd have to bring at least Blue or Yellow with me, since I doubt Pink will listen to me. It saddens me to think even now when she doesn't remember anything, she still can't take me seriously as a higher authority, am I always just going to be her best friend? Not someone to look up to? Nevermind, it doesn't matter, it's a good idea anyway since Pink is going to be lectured anyway.

"Alright, we'll go see her in the tower, go send word to Blue Diamond and have her meet me at the tower entrance as soon as she can." I ordered. Pearl saluted me then walked off, leaving me alone with my thoughts. It felt like time was playing over and over again, Pink had been in that tower so many times, there had been so many reasons why. I have only been there once, and that was before I had my colonies, before I was mature, and way before Pink was even conceived. I remember the reason I was locked in that tower, because I had accidentally expressed my doubts of White's assessments and that meant immediate punishment. I was in that tower for about a thousand years and ten months before I was let out, and I had to say my apologies before I could leave.
Never again had I said my thoughts out loud in front of the other three, only in my room with my pearl, and then, with Pink.


"(C/n)! What were you thinking? Are you trying to get us all in trouble?" Blue ranted, her anger strong as her aura affected the tower room. I stood there, crying.
"I didn't mean what I said! Well- I did but I didn't mean it in a bad way! I just thought that- because I'm a Diamond that maybe White would listen to constructive criticism-" I tried explaining my actions, my words.

"It doesn't matter if you're a Diamond, White does everything her way and does it perfectly. Anyone who doubts her is shattered without a second thought, you're so very lucky White went easy on you, she could've just bubbled you for the next ten thousand years until she forgets the words you've said!" Blue yelled, which only got me to cry more, not because of Blue's power, but because of how harsh she was putting it.
Blue stops, realizing she may have gone a little too far, she bends down to my level and wipes my tears away, her gaze softens.

"There there, it's fine now, White's in a better mood. You will be excused and forgiven as soon as you go and apologize for the things you've said to her, okay?" Blue said in a nicer tone.
I sniffled, and looked up at her, "O-okay.."
Blue smiles and lets me climb onto her hand, she stands back up and walks out of the tower, heading for White's section.

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