White Christmas

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Anyone else just be having ideas but like they're all just shit, like absolute garbage?

Christmas morning glittered like a stray snowflake, catching the perfect ray of sun as it floated gracefully to the world below, bright, serene and beautiful. Clamoring voices filled the commons in a gentle lulling harmony as people settled down with friends and smiled as sun streamed in through the windows.

That bright morning, Todoroki was surprised to find himself among the first to wake up, meandering downstairs before the sleepy energy had transformed into pure holiday excitement and getting to enjoy a nice quite moment, before absolute havoc erupted.

A delicate fir stood in their corner of the common area, cluttered with ornaments from nearly every person, a hodgepodge of colors and themes working in some broken collaboration to create the prettiest twinkling tree, with a part of each person represented on some crowded branch. Packages, wrapped and bagged in a similar mishmashed fashion, surrounded the floor beneath it, the tree's scented needles dusted over a few of the packages that had been in just the right spot when the tree shed. Ribbons topped patterned wrapping paper, sitting prim and plump atop their respective perches.

Everything seemed to glitter in the aura of the tree, some youthful glow lighting up the room. For all the shimmery tinsel and sparkling ornaments on the decorative tree, the evergreens beyond the window donned their own dazzling frost and snowy coats, glimmering just as bright in the liquid gold of sunshine.

"Morning! Merry Christmas!" A voice chirped, cheerful yet rough around the edges. Kirishima lightly punched his friend's shoulder as he passed by, pressing a small candy cane into Todoroki's palm as he went.

"Oh, thank you," as he awkwardly accepted the treat, Kirishima flashed friendly finger guns and winked as he kept on walking. "Merry Christmas."

Everybody was in a good mood that morning and the air felt warm and gentle as people slowly gathered around the tree, laughing and talking until the patiently awaited time when the rest of their dormmates awoke. It didn't take long before the long awaited moment came, when the final classmate emerged into the commons, still rubbing the sleep from their eyes.

Mugs of tea, cocoa, coffee and juice cluttered the living room tabletops, several boxes of pastries and their contents scattered about in a similar fashion, and the people were no different in their arrangements. Slowly presents were passed around the room to their appropriate recipients and wrapping paper was promptly torn away.

Todoroki was surprised to receive a few gifts himself, despite only giving out one small item to each close friend. He wasn't used to this whole Christmas thing, his family didn't celebrate usually. Usually if there was any Christmas fling in the household it was for a press cover, staged and prim for a heartwarming news story. Of course more recently they had put up a tree but aside from lights and a star, it stayed in a dark corner, serving as little more than a wilted glimmer of joy in the otherwise lifeless house.

The morning concluded slowly, with many smiles and thanks as clean up began.

"Want me to get that for you?" Midoriya offered as he stood, a dirtied plate in hand as he gestured towards Todoroki's own plate.

"Oh, yes, thank you." Handing him the dish, Shoto stood anyways and followed his friend to the kitchen, making small talk along the way. They sat and talked quietly at the kitchen counter as Midoriya cleaned the few dishes stacked in the sink.

"Idiots." Mina scoffed as she took a seat up on the stool beside Todoroki.

"Pardon?" He asked, jarred by the accusation and unsure what had been done to prompt such a response.

"I mean look at them, arguing beneath the mistletoe." playfully frowning at her friends across the room, she rolled her eyes and took a cookie off the counter. "Like, seriously who does that? Honestly they're so annoyingly oblivious it's actually painful to watch."

"Oh,"  he and Midoriya said in unison, both relieved to hear they were currently not the idiots in question.

"It's tinsel, Eijiro!!" Bakugo's voice rang across the room, his face contorted in an odd mixture of bewilderment, judgment, and utter disgust. "No one in their life has ever called it sparkle spaghetti!!"

"I have!" Kirishima retorted, holding a bundle of tinsel close to his chest proudly. "...and my mom once!!"

"Honestly," Mina sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose in disbelief. "Hey, 'Roki, pass me another cookie, would you?"

He obliged, picking one with pink frosting since, in the little he knew about her, he did know it was her favorite color.

"Thanks." She followed, wiping pink frosting from the corners of her mouth. "Hey, this is your first Christmas, right?"

"How did you know?"

"Someone told me. So, what do you think?"

"I find it quite nice."

"Good to hear." Watching on with loving concern she pushed her chair back from the counter. "Well, I better go get ahold them before this gets out of hand."

She sauntered off to her friend group, punching Sero's arm when she made it over to the couch where they were sitting.

The kitchen was suddenly quiet in her absence. Even the running sink seemed hesitant to make its small sound.

"This is your first Christmas?" Midoriya asked gently as he dried a plate.


"And you weren't going to tell me?" The freckled boy teased, although his tone completely missed with his poor friend.

"Oh... um, I'm sorry?"

"No, no, don't be sorry, I was just joking." An airy laugh breathed through his smile. "No, but we could've, you know, made it little special. You didn't think to mention it?

"Not really. And anyways, it was special." Toying with a small mint candy, Todoroki smiled softly, barely realizing it. The room quieted again and Todoroki could feel kind eyes gazing at him.

"You know, I really do like your smile." Midoriya said finally, his voice betraying a universal thought among those who witnessed the expression, wishing that it would be revealed more often, or perhaps that he might bear it just a spell longer.

"Oh, um, thank you." Surprised by the idea, Todoroki's fingertips brushed his cheek, realizing there was in fact a slight smile, though it faded in the moment of awareness.

"So, uh, do you have any plans over the rest of break?" Quickly, the subject was changed

"I was planning on visit my mother and Fuyumi, wanted to have a birthday dinner next week before she has to work again."

"That sounds nice. Whose birthday is it?"

"Mine, but—"

"Yours?! You're kidding?! When is it?"

"January eleventh."

"C'mon you've got to tell us these things!" Izuku laughed, flicking a few water droplets at his friend, rejoicing when he nearly laughed.

"No, it's," Shoto's smile deepened, carved so perfectly into his cheeks. "I don't like to make a big deal out of anything." He said softly.

"That's. We're your friends, we want to make a big deal out of you!"

"True," Jiro popped in, retrieving her phone from a charger along the back wall, gently punching his shoulder as she passed to go.

"Really, please don't. I appreciate the sentiment though." Todoroki said, his voice loose and even, keeping a genuineness beneath his tone.

"Okay, okay, if that's what you really want." Midoriya finally gave in, eyes crinkling with smile. His friend didn't reply, a gentle glimmer in his eyes betraying all that words could've said.

The sunset was bright that evening, richer than the morning sun, Christmas was coming to a close.

Penguin named Ben but everyone just calls him Benguin short for Bengajwin.

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