🌷24 Hours (Contd..)🌷[Ending]🌷

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My mouth could only speak one word that was ... Beautiful!!!

Under the protective shade of a towering tree, a vibrant picnic scene unfolded

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Under the protective shade of a towering tree, a vibrant picnic scene unfolded. A colorful mat laden beneath its branches, loaded with delicious foods and a mini music player humming sweet melodies.
Four dainty lamps graced each corner, casting a warm glow with moonlight glorifying it.

With the swaying of cold wind, leaves swayed in a delicate dance, mingling with the releasing fragrance of sweet blooming belly flowers.

In this enchanting ambiance, pairs of swans glided gracefully across the lake, their elegant movements illuminated by the soft embrace of moonlight.

Each moment seemed to weave a design of tranquility and beauty, captivating me. It was a sight to behold, a moment to be frozen and captured. Simply, it was a mesmerizing view!!!

"It's wonderful... I haven't seen such a beautiful, soothing place. Did you find and prepare it ??", I exclaimed with the words that could only escape from my lips after seeing this mesmerizing place in awe.

Coming and standing beside me... he nodded his head with admiration and said softly...
"Yeah... just an attempt to try."
His presence beside me brought a warmth, giving me comfort like the gentle waves. As he leaned in closer, his breath tickled my ear, and he whispered, "As you wished for..." His words, sent a shiver down my spine, igniting a sense of an unknown feeling surrounding us.

Before I could react, his hand enveloped mine, guiding me to the picnic spot which was beneath the tree. With a soft rustle, we settled onto the woven fabric, the earthy scent of grass mingling with our laughter as fireflies fly, painting the evening with hues of joy and serenity.

Having some food, I couldn't help but wonder about this place's beauty...
God has created this immense world, In this huge world there will be so many places like this, breathtaking... and soothing.... 😌
I am thankful that I could at least experience one of them!!!!

Nudging me, I was brought back to the real world. Turning to the person, I saw a smiling Rory, with a book in his hand, showing me as if he wanted to give me a reminder...
Happily with a shared sense of excitement, we opened our 7th book ..."The depth of oceanlove" and adjusted the light to illuminate the words, eager to get into another life journey.

With each turn of the page, we ventured deeper into the mystery and wondered. Together, we enjoyed the magic of it, ready to lose ourselves once more in the captivating tale.

Getting engaged in the lines of the book, our souls intertwined with the characters' joys and sorrows.
Some pages brought tears while some brought laughter...
Literally speaking, each chapter was a revelation, bringing tears of empathy, bursts of laughter, and even the fiery spark of anger within us.

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