Labored Distractions

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word count: 1,410

word count: 1,410

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You couldn't give a shit about Jaha— about everyone who had you sent down here. When they sent you down, you were six months pregnant, for heaven's sake. Who sends a six month pregnant girl down to a potentially deadly planet?

The only plus side about being down here is that you're with your longterm boyfriend and father of your child, Monty Green. God bless him for putting up with your mood swings, doing his best to satisfy your weird cravings, and doing the best he can to take care of you in the situation you're in.

You waddle around the unlit fire pit, one hand on your lower back and the other on your protruding stomach. You smile at Harper flirting with Jasper, Bellamy and Clarke chatting near the gate, and Octavia looking over the gate. You see a lily in the tree and know what's going on. You trudge over to her and whistle lowly. She jumps and turns to look at you.

"That's a beautiful flower," you whisper, a knowing smile on your face. She pales and you roll your eyes. "I won't tell anyone." She steps down from the platform and cocks an eyebrow at you.

"Why not?" You lay your hands on your stomach and smile.

"I don't think Lincoln's a bad guy," you wink. Her eyes widen.

"How do you know his name?"

"I talked to him for a moment. I was taking a little walk to make sure I could still actually move and we bumped into each other. Recognized him from the torture incident. I apologized on behalf of everyone." She smiles and looks down. "You really like him, don't you?"

"Yeah," she admits.

"You guys are precious." She looks up at you, a blush painting her face. You start to tease her more but the baby kicks, barely brushing your ribs. You wince and rub your stomach.

"Did it kick?" she asks excitedly. You laugh, taking her hands and putting them on your stomach. You don't have to wait long for the baby to react. Her expression is adorably shocked and delighted as she looks at your stomach in wonder. A sound pulls her attention away from the baby and she looks out to the wall.

"Hey, go on. I'll create a distraction, okay?" She doesn't hesitate to nod and give you a gentle hug. You return it and usher her off. You walk as quickly as you can over to Bellamy and Clarke. Clarke looks up, hearing your stomping from a mile away. She sighs and rolls her eyes. Bellamy follows her line of sight.

"What are you doing outside? You're literally ready to give birth any day now!" Clarke chastises. Bellamy crosses his arms, a disappointed look on his face. You grin, trying to keep the wince hidden so Clarke doesn't pounce.

"I saw that," Bellamy says.

"Saw what?" you ask, smiling sweetly.

"You winced. Did he kick?" You nod and Bellamy gently cups your stomach as best he can. Once again, you don't have to wait long for a kick. You wince as pain flares in your lower back and take a deep breath.

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