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Wonder what would happen if everyone had a soulmate? Oh, wait! We do have them. It's just that some people fall in love with someone that isn't their soulmate because they haven't met them yet. Or they find someone else intriguing and worthy of their affections.

But, how does one know if they've met their soulmate, you ask? What if I told you that it's actually simple. And by simple, I mean by a freakishly overwhelming and intense feeling of happiness and wanting to protect them in the first instance of even just a glance in their direction. Or even a pull to a location that you wouldn't have thought to go to on your own and without knowing why you want to go there at the moment. But if you meet this person that has the other half of your soul, believe me, you'll know it. Not only by the protectiveness and euphoria, but by a tattoo. That's right! A tattoo that is half yours, and half theirs. Each of you have a piece that together makes a whole.

Now, we are all used to this by now; having heard the stories all our lives. The tattoos are something that is known, but there haven't been an extremely high case of numbers lately of people finding their true soulmate or having these tattoos. What I mean by that is that once a person turns 21, this tattoo will appear on your body if you have the chance to find your soulmate in your lifetime. Sometimes people never get their tattoo when they turn 21. But they go on through life normally because that's what people do...we carry on.

How will it feel coming in, you say? Well, you can feel a slight tingling sensation when it first appears but the tattoo will be faint. And it will stay that way...that is until you get the chance to come face to face to your soulmate. If your faint design, or even words from quotes and sayings becomes more prominent and pronounced, you've been near your soulmate, or will soon. When this happens, you'll definitely feel something where your tattoo lies.

Some feel an intense tingling; some a stinging sensation as if you're being attacked by bees; and some just have a burning as it finalizes itself and let's you know that your mate is around.

Once you've met this soulmate, you will have a pull to them like no other. You'll be drawn into their scent, their smile, their eyes, their voice...I could go on. Everything about them just pulls you in. You want to be with them constantly, and want to be as physically close to them as you can. You want to know everything about them. And you'll feel a peace in their presence because they are your other half.

Want to know how this all plays out? Well, I'll tell you...

It all started, for me, during a late winter snow in early February...

Destined or By Chance?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon