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I currently work and live in a cabin...or resort, lodge, whatever you want to call it...with my family; we own it. It's in the late winter and the snow is coming down pretty good. Knowing that we are to be having new guests arrive for staying here for around the next two months, me and my brothers had been volunteered to go out for supplies and food, etc.

Man, my tattoo has been feeling funny the past few days. If it's not been tingling, it's been stinging...as well as becoming filled in more. My family knows I have my tattoo, although none of them have theirs. They were all curious the day it showed up...

~"Argh!! Holy crap this hurts!" Everyone in the room turns to look at me curiously.

"What's the matter, darling? You alright?"

All I can do is look at my mom like she's obviously lost her mind. "No! I'm not alright! My forearm is burning! It can't seem to be a steady burn either. I feel like I've been branded with a branding iron!"

She looks a tad worried at first. Then her eyes turn to a look of curiosity. "Come here. Let me see your arm." I walk over and give her my right arm turning it to the inside of it as that's where I've had the sensations coming from. When she looks, I see her eyes get so big, they could rival a saucer's. "Oh my beautiful child!" She exclaims while taking my face into her hands and kissing the top of my head, after she's pulled me down to her level to do so. "You just got your soulmate mark! Look!"

Sure enough, as I look at my arm I notice a faint design, or is it part of an animal? Anyway, there's also script there but it's too faint to make out just yet.

My mom grabs me again, this time taking my arm and kissing my mark. "I'm so happy for you! I don't know what all will happen, as I never had my mark, so I can't prepare you with my own experiences. But I know you will be happy. I can't wait to find out who your mate is!"

By this point, my brothers, mom, dad, sisters, and cousins are all taking turns looking at my newly formed tattoo as if I'm the hottest thing since sliced bread... ~

As I come back to the present, I notice that we are battling the winds and falling snow to get back as soon as we could. While making our way back onto the 'ranch', we notice a vehicle that looks stuck off the side of the road. I immediately feel as though I need to help them. Always thinking of others and wanting to protect them, no matter the cost to myself. My brothers call me 'Freya' due to how I tend to be so loving, yet a fierce protector just as if I was the Norse goddess incarnate; and I have come to call myself this to others as I meet them. That is, since I tend to actually inhibit the goddess in all my actions.

With my brothers' help, we see what's wrong and make sure no one is hurt. It looks like they have been here quite some time.

Before I can get out of the vehicle, I feel one sharp sting to my forearm. "God, I hope that I either meet them soon or I'll chop off my arm!" I mumble to myself.

When I get to the other vehicle, I open the door and ask, "Is everyone okay?" Getting nods from everyone in the vehicle, there is only one face that only looks at me as if he doesn't know what to say. I can tell he is cold as he used his shirt to mark that they had trouble and he is only left in his jacket. As the vehicle is now freezing inside, he should be pretty cold and needs to be warmed up.

We manage to get them to our vehicle and try to get them warm. As I look at the members we help, I recognize them but my mind is in first aid mode and trying to keep them safe and alive...Handing out the blankets we keep in all vehicles this time of year in case of emergencies as we go. As the poor almost frozen guy is still cold, shivering and needing immediate warmth...I recognize that he is Tom Hiddleston...I freeze momentarily as my eyes make contact with his. I immediately have this euphoric feeling come over my body. All I want to do is take care of him, but all of a sudden my instincts take back over and I go up to him with a couple blankets in tow.

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