day 4

5 1 3

Scars, I hold you dear everyday and pray that this never ends, that's how much you are worth to me.
Everytime I see you online my day instantly gets better
I'm sorry if ik don't ask you to call much, it's because I get a little too anxious to ask anyone for anything, you're the only one that makes me feel understood and not alone, you have you thanks.

I wish to meet you online but I have no ticket money teehee, but I'll be there with you in your heart, sounds cheesy I know but I mean it sincerely.


Your presence alone is enough
No need for anything else
I'm always thankful, for you and you alone
And I dont mind at all if isn't the same for you


Mine is starting to sound more and more obsessive 😰
(Look at the full image above teehee)

From: saiko

To: scarasArchiveOfBalls

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