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I sat at the old run down motel not really bored...but just relaxing...while waiting for Leon to arrive back from 'kicking ass'. Today was a weird day, after escaping death like a million times (thanks to Leon) I was now in a motel...
I looked at the time on a clock


Leon said he'd be back at 11 so I knew I should probably order something to eat for when he gets back. I picked up the dodgy looking telephone and called room service which didn't work I then sat back on the bed waiting patiently for Leon's return

Just then the door beeped meaning someone was coming in

I turned to face the door only for Leon to stumble in

"Leon? You're back early, you okay?"

I walked over to him and he didn't say anything. He just looked at me and stumbled over to the bed pretty much collapsing on it half on half off sorta thing

I titled my head and walked over to him

"Are you dead...?"

I began poking his back gently. He turned his head to look at me smiling weakly

"You look like you got ran over, stomped on and toasted over a fire..."

looking at his... unnaturally slured state I bit my lip thinking of things that could've happened

Leon inhaled deeply and managed to sit up looking at me half lidded

"I....had to take care of some Ganados...I ain't feelin too good..." He mumbled

I immediately rushed and sat myself next to him almost knocking the wind out of him

"Oh my gosh did you get like...bit?"

I began flooding him with questions as he dazily looked at me not saying much

I decided to get up to get him some water

I walked over to Leon and handed him a glass of water sitting down in the process

Leon smiled and gulped the whole thing before I could even blink

"You're thirsty-"

I said offering him my cup which he took and chugged aswell.

We sat quietly for a while

As I began tidying away the cups I could feel Leon watching me closely. As I put the last cup in the sink I finally turned around and looked at him and he indeed was staring

I put a hand on my hip and he finally looked at me in the eyes smiling weirdly

"I...sorry I've been zoning out all day..."

You looked at him sympathetically

"Its fine..."

Leon just groaned and layed back on the bed

I walked over and sat on the edge of the bed only to be pulled by Leon into a spooning position making me blush wildly

"If you wanted cuddles you coulda just asked weirdo"

Leon pulled me closer like i was his personal body pillow and squeezed me tightly eventually moving his hands from my shoulders to my waist pressing me against his stomach


Was all he said or...mumbled? As he pressed me harder

"Leon....can you-"

Just then Leon let go and I felt something against my back... wait did he get-

It seemed He was just as confused and he quickly moved his hips back blushing as I turned to face him

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