Chapter 3: Falling into a TV.

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(4/14, Home, Early Morning)

Aunt Miko: "Y/N....up...wake...Y/N...Y/N WAKE UP!"


He jumped up and a surge of pain went through his head, seeing his Aunt stand there in his doorway somewhat made him scared. He felt like she was gonna smack him in his head but thank God she didn't.

Aunt Miko: "Y/N, You will be late for school, you only have 20 minutes to get there! Usually you would've been up but I had to wake you up, what happened?"

Y/N: "O-Oh uh...I hit my head on my table when I fell last night but I'm okay now!"

Aunt Miko: "Well...okay, Just get to school before the bell rings alright?"

Y/N was already out the room before she finished her sentence, and she heard the front door close after 5 minutes.


He started speeding down the street hoping he didn't get there late, not wanting to get chewed out by whoever was his homeroom teacher.

If there weren't two other people who would swear today happened just the way I'm writing now I'd assume I was totally fucked in the head. Normally when your day starts with a teacher in an Egyptian headdress that's the weirdest thing that happens in that day.

Ms. Sofue: "First, a little about me. I love to use my dowser to look for lost items, and there's nothing quite like a romance.
In fact, world history is a magnificent romance. History is like a river; it was born in the past and flows ever forward, I hope we can all enjoy the profundity of history together. Hohoho..."

Y/N: "Just hurry up and say the question..."

Ms. Sofue: "And since this is my first lecture, I'll start with an easy question.
Our transferee, Mr. Seta, please stand up.
When did A.D.-in other words, Anno Domini-begin?"

Y/N&Yu: "1 BC!"

Ms. Sofue: "Ah! You both seem to understand this well. And does anyone know what B.C. stands for? Oh, I'll just tell you.
Before Christ, or the years before Christ was born, This is, of course, the way we count our years today, but it wasn't adopted in Western Europe until the 15th century.
Hohoho, it was around that time that many religious wars and power shifts were occurring. Anyhow, the world's beliefs have been in an ever-flowing tide since humanity began to emphasize religion."

Y/N dozed out with Ms. Sofue's words becoming blocked out and eventually snapped back to reality when he heard the bell.

Y/N: "Damn did i sleep throughout the entire day?..."

Everyone was still talking about the murder also.

Sitting Girl: "Is it supposed to be like, mimicking an execution? It's messed up..."

Short Girl: "My senpai told me it was a third-year named Saki who found the body."

Yosuke came up to the two looking completely nervous.

Yosuke: "Y-Yo. Um... It's, uh, it's not really that important, but... Well, yesterday on TV, I... Oh, uhh... Never mind. Look, I'll tell you later. Ahaha..."

Chie was excited about the rumors going around and almost started babbling.

Chie: "Saki-senpai's supposedly the one who discovered that body, I wonder if that's why she looked so down... She doesn't seem to be at school today either."

Then Chie noticed Yukiko about to leave and stopped her.

Chie: "Huh? Hey Yukiko, are you helping out at the inn today too?"

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