The Deprived Miracle

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A Deprived Miracle 

My name is Jacklyn "Jackie" Marie Reens. My husband is Sean Penn Reens and I know the irony that my husband's name is an Irish version of Jack. I have a brother named Jerry, his wife Andy, and their adorable son, Jeremy. Now, Jeremy is basically my child. I love him to death... 

 Back in September, Jeremy wasn't feeling too well and being a respected doctor, especially for my younger age, I did a quick check up on him. 

 "Well, he obviously isn't feeling well. I would take him to the doctor and have him professionally checked out. " I told Jerry and after giving a kiss on the forehead to Jeremy, I left.

 Buzz. Buzz.  I checked my phone, just finishing work for the day. 

 "Jacklyn, come quick." 

 Slightly panicked, knowing Jerry wouldn't use my full name unless it is an emergency, I rushed over to hospital.

Outside the room, I saw Andy with a red face and blood shot eyes. 

 Bursting through the door, I saw Jeremy looking normal...a little pale and confused looking, but not seriously hurt. 

 "What is the results, Dr. Hendrick?" I asked, scared of the answer...

 "Dr. Reens, I am sorry to inform you that your nephew has... cancer."

 Feeling my heart break, tears started running down my face and my hands started shaking. 

 "What's wrong, auntie Jackie?" Jeremy asked me, innocently and concerned. 

 Hugging him tightly, I whispered "Nothing, everything will be fine... I'm gonna fix this."

 I knew I was more reassuring myself, then him in this moment.

 "Mr. Hendrick, give him the best treatment or I will find someone who can."

 "I know this is hard for you, but he doesn't have a very good chance of living... even with the best treatment possible. " He whispered after exiting the room. 


 I went into the room, calmly.

 "Jeremy, auntie is gonna come over tomorrow to play. Is that ok?" I asked him, voice slightly cracking.

"Of course!!! Daddy!!! Auntie is coming over tomorrow!!! Can she???? Please!!!" Jeremy asked, excitedly.

 "Yeah, after we go fishing...remember? Is around 2 alright, Jackie?" Jerry asked on a slightly saddened voice.

 "Totally, I have a little work to do tomorrow, anyways." I answered with a fake cheery voice I had perfected. 

 "Well, I have to go. Love you, Jeremy. Have fun with your dad fishing!!!" I said, before leaving to go home.

 Arriving at work, I yawned loudly. I had spent the whole night researching for a cure. For my sweet little nephew. 

 "You alrighty, Jackie?" asked a co-worker.

 "Yeah...yeah... just not in the mood to talk" I said, swating them away.

 "Oh, I was just supposed to tell you that an organization is outside asking for volunteers to help find the cure to cancer." 

 Perking up, I rushed outside and started to frantically ask where to sign up. So, I signed up and finished my work in about 2 hours and went to work for my volunteer job at thier lab. 


I stumbled into our house, around 3:30... so...tired...

I ended up falling asleep to the couch. 

 "Morning, workaholic." I heard Sean tease me. 

 "Aw, shut up and give me my soul juice. " I shouted sleepily.

 Laughing, "You mean coffee, sweetheart." He said kissing my cheek and handing me coffee in my favorite mug. 

 And after having more coffee than usally, I got ready. 

 This went on for a couple of months. Jeremy was getting chemotherapy, but not showing any improvement.

 Some nights, Sean would try to drag me away from my personal laboratory, with no evail. 

 Until, one night. That amazing night. It was a sleep-deprived miracle.

 There I was, sleep-deprived and panicking to find a cure...when, all of the peices came together. 

Rushing to the lab at around 2 am, I messaged all the volunteers only saying "I think I found it." 

 I made the shot and we tested it the next day. 

 We did it. We had found the cure, saving millions of lives. But, more importantly....saving Jeremy's life.  

(I have to thank @UshikoItsumi262 for making the cover. Hope you enjoyed!!!!

- Lé BoBo)

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