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Location: Sofia Wine and Bar Café

Sarah sat next to Lily since it was the only seat that was available

"Can you please move?" Sarah says calmly as she smirks. Lily glared at her before moving sideways to give her a space on the couch.

"Thank you" Sarah said politely, which made Lily irritated

"How can she be so casual as if nothing happened?" the blonde thought to herself as she stared at the beautiful brunette

"So. Let's talk about our client" Sarah was serious, while looking at the two blondes beside her.

"So who's Lily Rabe?" she asked sternly.

"I am" Lily replied raising her brow while staring at Sarah.

"I see... so—"

"But it's not me who you're going to work on" the blonde said, Sarah's sighed as she poured some wine in the wine glass and took a sip while slowly leaning her back against the couch.

"Who is it then?" she asked, putting down the glass on the table looking before focusing her eyes on Lily, their eyes met and Sarah could sense Lily's hatred towards her, her lips formed into a smirk. This made the blonde more irritated. The group sensed something was going on in between them, Pedro cleared his throat to get their attention so that Lily can continue on giving them the details

"Sorry, I was just thinking of something" Lily said as an excuse, she shook her head and blinked her eyes twice before letting out a sigh.

"Right... thinking of something" Sarah scoffed, rolling her eyes and shaking her head with coy smile on her face

"*Ahem* please Ms.Rabe, proceed. Tell us the details" Amanda said as she glared at her bestfriend and her boss, Sarah who's acting like an ass with their client.

"It's Mamie, she really likes this guy named Armand Bolton. He works as a doctor at the All Saints hospital"

Mamie flushed as she stares at her lap biting her lip while playing with her fingers underneath the table.

"Okay we'll work on this case right away, but we need a down payment of $1,500" Emma says cocking her head to the side giving a girlish smile at Lily. Lily frowned and secretly looks at her purse underneath the table; little did she know that Sarah's spying on her. Sarah noticed that the blonde's facial expression changed as she looked at her purse she made an intelligent guess that she might not have enough money to meet the agency's demand, she wanted to help people, that's the main agenda of the agency, but she also wanted to be closer to this woman and she doesn't know why.

Sarah tapped her hand lightly on the table to get everyone's attention.

"Listen, instead of one thousand five hundred dollars, let's lower it to a thousand." She says authoritatively. Lily looked at her in surprise, Sarah gave her a quick glance before continuing what she's about to say "We will lower it to a thousand and the deadline of her down payment will be tomorrow morning 10am at my office, also. Because of that, she's going to help me with the first three missions." Sarah looked at Lily sternly. The group was shocked, especially Lily.

"What!?" the blonde asked in a high pitched voice

"You heard me, you're going to come with me and help me." Sarah says looking at Lily seriously.

Lily gulped; look at her bestfriend who's giving her the hopeful, pleading eyes.

Lily covered half of her face and sighed.

"Fine. I'll do it." she says half-heartedly.

"Great." Sarah says as she stood up "It's nice meeting you ladies, have a lovely night" Sarah waved goodbye, before walking out of the café

"Hey! Sarah wait up!" Zachary said as he stood up everyone followed her, leaving Mamie and Lily alone.

"What was that about?" Lily muttered to herself as she looked at Sarah and the rest of the love bug agency agents over the window.

"Did you say something Lily?" Mamie asked looking at her bestfriend who's eyes focused on the car outside.

"Nothing, I was just shocked I guess" Lily says as she took a deep breath.


That night, Lily was lying down on her bed staring at the ceiling she couldn't get Sarah out of her mind.

She was wondering, she felt strange, she felt wonderful, awesome and awful at the same time.

She hated her, that's for sure. But there was something in Sarah's eyes that tells more than what she shows.

"What's your secret? Sarah Paulson?"

author's note:

I am sorry if it took forever for me to update a chapter of this fan fiction.

I hope you like the story so far. sorry for the short update too. 

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