Chapter 43: Sword of Silver Blood

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I silently sit in the far-left corner of the white room I never believed I would be back within ever since I left Russia eight years ago. My father still sees me as a tool, which was evident from the first question he asked when we took our little "stroll": Can you still see the deaths of others?

Lying would do me no good, and he would probably find out about it sooner or later, so I told him the truth. I could already tell he was heading towards the gray building where I was kept for the two years I served in Russia. Coming to the conclusion I could never be free from my father's abuse, and that he would never have a change of heart even after what he had to sacrifice to make me into his perfect slave, I allowed myself to be locked into the room I've had nightmares about ever since my escape.

Only now, there is no Germany going to save me. I fully surrendered, and I do not intend to return to Switzerland or Germany. Even if I were to escape and have the chance, I wouldn't go back. I probably couldn't bring myself to. Forever traumatized by my experiences in the military of all three countries that make up New Europe, the only true escape from his eternal hell is death.

And I'm not scared of death anymore. I've seen so much, and I've been tempted to succumb to it countless times- this is no different. If I must die to save Switzerland, so be it. If it will mean the happiness, safety, and freedom of my officers from their doubts and fears, then I will be more than happy to lose my life, be it by my own hand or someone else's. Though, if he were to take my life...

The door to the room I'm in is opened soundlessly, and a familiar person steps inside, staring at me with an amused expression. His laugh further conveys such, but I just meet his eyes, not finding the strength in my weakened state to argue. I have been given the bare minimum of food, water, and find it hard to sleep, only seemingly closing my eyes for no more than three hours every day. Remembering my earlier thought of still having my ability work if I was treated like a caged animal, I smile to myself. It seems my father knows what I'm thinking.

Rodion walks over to me, and bends down, the smile on his face only growing wider as he looks me over before speaking in a quiet, soft tone. "Give yourself to me. All of your pain, suffering, and misery will disappear. Just close your eyes and slip into a deep, restful sleep. In this state of yours, Switzerland is better off without you. In fact, the nation never even needed you in the first place, but alas, fate is certainly cruel."

Despite my eyes registering who is in front of me, I still ask who is kneeling by my side, probably just to ensure he is really in front of me, and not some elaborate illusion, like many people may believe he is when they first meet him. "Rodion. . .?"

All he does his frown and scoff before regaining his malicious smile and continuing. "Yes, I am who you would have become if you stayed with your father. I was brought into existence the moment you escaped in Switzerland. You are me, and I am you. We are able to coexist, yet neither one of us entirely. For that to occur, one of us needs to lose their life. Yet it can't be done in an instant. You can't simply put a bullet through my head, and I my sword straight through your heart.

"We must let one of our lives slowly leave our bodies, our mind, and our eyes. And when the curtain finally draws close, one of us will exist in full with all the knowledge and memories of the other. But the question still remains: who will be left in this room to die, and who will continue to live and serve in the great Russian military? Surely you know the correct answer, and therefore the most logical decision, yes?" I feel a cold sensation come over my right thigh, and look down, seeing Rodion's left hand resting there.

He's saying that I'll lose my memories in order for him to exist. But if, by some miracle, I kill him, what will come of those memories I have lost? I don't want to lose my memories, but I barely have the strength to even try to injure him, considering the condition I'm currently in. At this point, I just have to hope I don't lose the memories I hold most precious to me before I kill Rodion.

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