The Mineshaft

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I put my toe onto the first rickety stair, testing it. The stair lets out an unsettling loud creak. I inhale sharply, removing my foot, my heart racing. I don't know how far down the staircase goes.

The small, ever dripping candle in my lantern only allows me to see at least six. Sweltering wind that smells of putrid rot blows through the dark shaft. I hold my breath and cover the small hole in my lantern with my dirt covered hand as my small candle light flickers threatening to go out.

I've used up all of my candles, this is the last one, I need to get out soon or l'll be stuck down here alone until the grim reaper's cold bony hand wraps around me in an impenetrable grip and drags me down to my desolate and solitary grave.

I have no other choice, the staircase is my only option, beside going backward. But, I'm not going back from where I came. I inhale deeply through my nose, ignoring the stench, and hold it. I place my foot on the old, slimy brown stair that is held up by two oddly bent nails wedged into the ragged, wet stone walls. The board lets out a long, eerie creak. My body tenses, behind me, a shallow sound bounces off the looming stone walls. I probably just kicked up a pebble when I stepped down. I look into the darkness, my eyes straining to see. But it's no use. I can't see anything besides foreboding blackness that seems to be alive. The darkness seems to breathe, its breath smells akin to rot, suffocating my lungs with its intrusive stench leaving me dizzy and lightheaded, desperate for air. The darkness lurks behind me, stalking me, like a wolf stalks its prey. I feel its eyes on me, assessing me. The darkness whispers, taunting me, playing with me in evil feline amusement. A shiver runs down my spine, gooseflesh pebbles my skin despite the sweltering heat, my breath comes out shallow and quick, my hand slightly shakes causing the candle to flicker again.

I need to get out now. I turn away from the looming darkness behind me. The stair I stepped on is suspended in the air. Through the cracks In the board I can see nothing below me. Two nails keep me from falling, I don't know how far the drop is but I don't want to find out. I step onto the next step my foot slips out from under me on the slime. I slam my free fist into the sharp stone to catch myself. Pain radiates from my knuckle. I grit my teeth holding in a cry, my tears well up, threatening to fall, I don't let them fall. I don't have the time to lose my cool, my candle is running low, and crying won't help.

I take another step, gritting through the pain coming from my clenched hand. Every stair creaks loudly as if laughing at me. I hear another sound behind me, like a pebble being kicked up. That couldn't have been me. There are no rocks on the stairs. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up as a feel wind on the back of my neck. It's probably just the wind. It's probably just the wind. I pick up my pace, slipping on every step like a baby fawn on ice, but I don't slow down.
The stairs go down and down and down. My lungs burn with exhaustion as my breathing becomes frantic, where is the end, where is the exit. My heart pounds loudly in my chest and my bare feet hurt as they slap on the stairs.

My feet land on hard stone as I reach the bottom of the winding staircase. My candle flickers so dim now I can't see the floor below me. It's eerily quiet as I strain my eyes, trying to see into the darkness. The air is so thick and scolding I struggle to breathe, the putrid smell makes my lungs burn and my eyes water. I use my free hand to grab my now sweat soaked shirt and put it over my nose in an attempt to soothe my burning lungs.

The stair groans behind me and a familiar breeze blows against the back of my neck. My hands shake causing my lantern to sway back and forth. Chills crawl up my back like tiny spider legs scurrying. Sweat drips down my face slowly. I hold my breath and then break into a run.

My feet cry out in pain as I step on jagged rocks. My heels ache at the impact. My thighs burn with exhaustion. My arm feels heavy from holding up my swaying lantern.

The only thing I can see is my dying candle. The only sound is my pounding heart, my loud heavy breaths, and the occasional pebble kicked up behind me. But I won't stop. I'm gonna get out. l'II find an exit. I'm done being stalked in the darkness. I'll get out.

Something crunches beneath my foot before I feel something warm and slimy. What is that? I try to remove my foot but I trip. My lantern falls from my grip and crashes to the floor. The sound echoes off the walls. Glass flys everywhere. My palms and knees land roughly on stone, I cry out in pain as I'm cast into darkness.

My candle went out. I have no light. Everything goes silent. As quietly as I can I stand up. Warm liquid falls from my knees and slides down my legs. My knees and palms radiate with pain. I rub my shaking palms together in an attempt to soothe the pain. I can't help it, tears swell up and roll down my face. Another pebble is kicked up at least ten feet away. The sound echoes off the walls. I take a step backward, my feet crunch on glass. I inhale sharply, getting a lung full of sweltering stench and wince in pain as glass painfully cuts into the bottom of my foot.

The sound of pebbles being kicked up comes closer. I take another step back despite the glass.

My tears fall faster. What am I gonna do? There is no way out! Steps come closer. I keep moving backward till my back hits a wall. No No No No No! What am I gonna do? There is no way out. My silent cry turns into a sob as the presence moves closer. I can feel warm, damp air on my face. A cold bony hand wraps around my throat and I scream.

I jolt awake. My covers fly off. Sweat rolls down my face as I breathe frantically. It was just a dream. It was just a dream. I let out a shaky sigh. I've never had a dream that felt so real. I move the covers off my legs, my hands still shaky. I stand up and walk to my window, opening the curtains and letting the warm sunlight hit my face and spill into my room. Light. I breathe in the fresh air that smells of bacon and coffee.

I make my way down to the kitchen after getting dressed. My mother stands over the stove swaying slightly as she hums a song.

"Good morning honey, did you sleep well?" she asks, turning to look at me with a smile.
I nod, taking a seat at the table.

"Are you ready for your field trip today?"I still, my heart speeding up, "Where are they taking you again, to an old mine shaft, correct?" She asks, turning back to the bacon.

"Yes" I say, my voice slightly shaky.

There is really nothing to be scared of. It was only a dream.


Hope you liked it. I don't really think it's that spooky but I had fun writing it.

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