Another day

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It was gonna be laya's last year at college and then she was off to running the family business

"Good morning Mrs reves can I get the bath running "

"Yes please"i answered

Laya's family was one of the most up rising business in their country but sadly her father passed away before it could fully rise and the business was passed on to her mother and soon it was the best

"Has mom come back yet" laya asked

But the maid just gave her a pity smile so she new she didn't come back she was  not surprised that she hadn't come back she was always gone on business trips

But that never kept laya from always doing her best she quickly got ready for school showers did her skin care

She was waiting out side the mansion for her boyfriend to pick her up

"Good morning sweetheart "  he said

"Good morning Namjoon"

She really didn't like Namjoon she was only daiting him because her mom said it would be good for the company's image

He quickly opened the car door for her and she got in

"So how do you feel about  your last year of college"  he asked

"Its another year" laya said

Soon they arrived at college she bid Namjoon  goodbye with a fake smile and as she turned around it quickly vanished

"You know you're gonna have to eventually stop faking it" layas only trusted friend at the college said

"I will eventually if I ever marry him"  laya replied

She Quickly entered college and went to go get a snack at the cafeteria

"Joen Jungkook fancy seeing you here"  laya said

"Like wise see you around Mrs reves"

He left before she could say anything she wasn't surprised  because in public they barely new each other but in private "they were on top of  each other "

The first time she met him was at an event he was out side trying to sober up not to taint his family image I mean after  he was the CEO of their  company yet was still in college

(ps she doesn't know that his a mafia)

Yet their business was the best in the country deep down she envied that
as she was sitting in the library non other than Min Yoongi

"You know laya you can fool every one in this school about you liking Namjoon but you can't fool me " he said

"I never said I was fooling anyone did I now Min yoongi you know I find it funny how you always find a way to meddle about in my business " laya said

But before he could reply Namjoon arrived
"Anything wrong sweetheart" namjoon said

She cringed mentally when he said sweetheart

"Nothing I was just telling Yoongi here on  how didn't need help with my project right" she said waiting for a  reply from yoongi

"Yeah it's a bummer I couldn't pair up with the smartest person in class" he said and quickly bid good bye

"Let me drop you home sweetheart " Namjoon said

"Actually I have some work to finish up today " laya said

"I'll pick you up tomorrow then sweetheart goodbye "  he said

Laya bid goodbye and quickly pulled put her phone and stared texting her friend it was pretty empty in the library no one would mind  she quickly gathered her things and went home after she fished up


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