[4]: fearless

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me and paige walked into the party that was filled with already drunk college students.

music was blasted loudly as we came through the door.

'ugh why did I agree to come' I groaned, throwing my head back.

'because, now come get a drink' she said, pulling me to the kitchen.

we stood drinking whatever it was out of red solo cups when a girl came over to paige.

'hey, can I talk to you' she smiled 'alone' she added, giving me a dirty look.

'do you mind ?' paige asked me.

I just shook my head, annoyed that I came for her and now she was leaving.

I stood alone in the kitchen, deciding whether or not I should leave when a guy came over to me.

'hey' he smiled, grabbing a few drink cups.

'hey' I replied kindly.

'how come your stood alone, who are you here with' he questioned, standing in front of me.

'I was here with my friend paige, but I don't know where she is' I shrugged.

'oh, well I can't leave you alone, come with me I need a partner for this game' he smiled.

'what game ?' I doubted.

'basically you have a balloon and you have to pop it on eachother in different ways and whatever team finishes last drinks' he explained.

I waited to answer, debating whether or not to go home when I saw paige and that girl dancing together.

'you know what, sure' I smiled, quickly finishing the last of my drink.

'I'm steph by the way' he smiled, putting his arm around me.


'I saw you on the transfer this morning, you're from lsu right ?' he asked as we came outside.

'yeah' I mumbled, not wanting to talk about my old team.

he nodded his head as we came to a group of people.

'guys this is my partner nessa' he introduced loudly.

'damn steph got a baddie' some girl yelled, cupping her mouth.

I just laughed as one of stephs friends dapped me up.

'come on guys we'll do the chair one first'

the game was explained to me and I had to let steph jump on me as I sat on a chair to pop a balloon that was on my lap, and then switch.

someone called for steph and the guy he was against to go and he started charging at me.

I was terrified as he jumped onto me, sending me to the floor as the group opposite did.

he then stood the chair up and sat in it as I chased after the other guy who was way ahead of me but I still ran as fast as I could.

I ran back to steph who had a balloon on his lap, quickly turning and sitting on it.

we lost by a few seconds and had to down a bottle of beer, which I did slower than him meaning I had to also do a shot.

the game continued and me and steph won a few times, but it didn't stop me from getting drunk.

'hey im kayda' the girl from before slurred.

'hey girl' I laughed, throwing my arm over her shoulders.

'come dance' she demanded, pulling me inside.

somehow we ended up on the table with a group around us as we jokingly grined against each other.

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