Freeing the Demon from His Prison

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We're always free to choose.

To believe what we want to believe.

But when you step back, when you really look at where you've been, and the things you've done.

Your past will come to devour you.

I often see memories as light, and the past as a shadow.

The reason why, you may ask?

It's because no light can truly exists without a shadow.


"Man, can't we go home now? So far, we haven't found the prince, and only had things here try to kill us! Not only that, but the Ink Demon might kill us first!" Bow exclaimed in fear, his bow and arrow at the ready for any ink monsters that will come their way. "No, we have to find the Prince of Sillyvison. And we didn't come all this way for nothing. Once we find him, we can finally leave, but we'll have to walk since Glimmer is exhausted from teleporting away from those last few encounters." Adora stated as they continued down the path.

Adora was in She-Ra at the moment as she kicked a vent opened, letting the three of them crawl through. "I know, but why does this place have to be so creepy? Not only that but we had to do other things to complete tasks, only to do more was we go down deeper into this place!" Bow questioned, shivering at the end as they reached the end of the vent and got back up.

"Hey, look! Another note!" Glimmer said, walking over to a stool with a piece of parchment paper on top, picked it up and read its contents out loud.


We're in the final days here. I can tell.
People are packing things up in boxes. Tools are going missing.
You can smell panic in the air around the studio.

But us Gent boys, we're just watching from the shadows.
We lock the doors, and keep our research going.
Mister Gray already gave us a little wink. All is well.
When one ship sinks, another one leaves the dock.

I just need to keep my Ink Machine safe in the chaos.
It's the key to so many discoveries.

-Thomas Conner


"I... Don't know how I should feel after that." Bow pointed out. "It's fine! If they try anything, we can just defend ourselves like always!" Glimmer stated as Adora pulled the lever that was labeled 'Security Lock'. They crawled back through the vent. When they did, they walked back down to the hallway, walked past the cardboard cutouts.

They ducked under the planks of wood that blocked the staircase and saw a door that was similar to a prison cell door. Not only that, but they see something in the room, playing with something.

It wore a proper outfit, with a brown waistcoat, a big bowtie and gloves, and striped pants; the left knee having a patch sewn into place. Despite his overall intact appearance in contrast to the other monsters of this abandoned studio, he only had small imperfections. Its head is shaped like an oval, with the top of it being curved inwards to create the appearance of horns. The ink on his head is uneven and dripping over his face. He also had numerous ink stains on his clothing. It seems to have a large toothy grin, along with large, black, pie-cut eyes.

"Am I the only one getting a weird feeling from this?" Adora asked, transforming back to normal. "That something that cute is all alone in there? Yeah! I'm going in!" Bow exclaimed in a hushed tone. "Bow! Wait!" Glimmer said, grabbing him by the shoulder and pulling him back. "We don't know if that thing is dangerous like the rest of those monsters." Glimmer stated.

"But look at him! He's playing by himself, probably lonely that he has no one to play with him!" Bow argued, grabbing Glimmer by the chin and turned her attention to the little guy in the room, who didn't seem to know their presence. "Ugh! Fine! We'll check it out! What about you Adora, what do you think?" Glimmer asked, pushing Bow's hand away. "It's worth a shot. Plus, he might know where the prince is." Adora suggested.

"Yay!" Bow quietly exclaimed as Adora reached forward and slowly pushed the door open. The door opens with a loud screeching sound, which gained the little guy's attention and made him stand up.

The trio slowly walked over to the small fella, to make him not feal threatened. "Hey, there, little guy." She started, making the small ink demon's smile disappear and pick up his toy train. "No, no, no! There's no need to be afraid. I'm Adora, and these are my friends, Bow and Glimmer. Do you have a name?" She asked, slowly getting down to his height like she was talking to a toddler. The little being nodded, his wide smile returning and started writing his name on the floor, ink somehow coming out of the tip of his tail, that looked and shaped like those fountain pens.

"'Y/n'. That's your name?" She asked. Y/n nodded in response. "Hey, Y/n? We have a question to ask that will be a major help to our mission. Do you know who and where the Ink Prince?" She asked. The little devil nodded his head very quickly and pointed to himself. "You're... the prince?" She asked, flabbergasted. Y/n nodded, setting his toy train down to clap his hands together while jumping on his feet.

"Aww... He's so cute! We're taking him with us!" Bow said, picking up the little guy into a hug. Y/n had a shocked expression at first before hugging the archer back, nuzzling his head against his. "Okay, then. It's settled then. Time to head out." Adora ordered, heading back the way they came. Y/n wriggled out of Bow's grip and ran back over to where he was, picking up his toy train and ran back to the group, taking a hold on Adora's hand.

"Okay, now we can go." Bow corrected as they left the room. As they continued to walk back to the exit, it was strange that none of the ink monsters that attacked them before appeared. And when they did, they would cower and hide in the ink puddles which confused the three, but they shrugged it off.

When they finally made it outside, Y/n's appearance slightly changed color. His face and gloves are now white while his tie is shaded red, and the rest of his clothes are a dark blue. They didn't care about the change though; they were just glad to make it out of there alive. "See Bow, we're fine. And we didn't run into the Ink Demon. It probably wasn't even real." Adora said. "Yeah, I guess you're right?" Bow said, completely unsure.

"Can we hurry up? All I want to do is lie down in bed and sleep." Glimmer groaned, sounding like she hadn't slept in over a day. "We will, we will. I promise." Adora said, walking away from the abandoned studio.

What they didn't know is what kind of danger they have with them.

The Demon Prince of Ink (Lil' Bendy! Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now