Forever your bee

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What burning hatred engulfs my heart
For what reasons keep us apart
I see you in everything I do
Entangled perfectly in the depths of my personalities root
Ripping and tearing your way out of my heart
Like barbed tendrils coated in a lovely neurotoxin
Without you I am empty
Like the vacuum of space from now into eternity
I long to hear your voice again
Even if it's to yell and hurl venom at me
A simple breeze or long forgotten shirt
Hurtles me back into the hurt
The sweet intoxicating aroma
A source of painfully happy lost memories
My friend
My love
My other half
Taken away so fast
Your love intoxicating
My favorite drug
Withdrawals crushing
Losing my only plug
I'd sell my soul for one more hit
But then I'd be in a mound of shit
God graciously put you in my life
Mending my heart when I wanted to die
But now I lay here looking to the sky
Why must I be without my bee
What is my purpose lord?
Am I not to build a home?
To be a good husband
Am I not to love and lead to be a good father?
or am I meant to be just a man who screams at himself in the mirror wishing he were dead

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