What you've probably missed in the Stradient rp (plus written scene)

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Okay so to sum it up:

Since Stratus went insane, he's gone to the psych ward and came back a little better, but still has his issues.

He then destroyed Gradient's crystal and Gradient kinda left for probably 30 seconds.

Stratus adopted a dog named Ryn who's his not-so-little bodyguard.

H!Gradient (AKA Gray) proposed to Stratus, who got "mad" and then proposed right back. They're getting married at some point.

Strat has one really bad episode in the bathroom while Gradient is tormenting him and then Gradient goes and possesses H!Gradient.

Cue the creepy horror scene where Stratus is hiding in the kitchen with a ladle because he doesn't have the heart to hurt H!Gradient.

But Ryn sure does, because she bites that mf twice.

Gradient goes away after Stratus knocks H!Gradient out and ties him up. He's survived night one at Freddy's.

And here we are, night two. But instead of telling you flat-out what happened...

I wrote the full scene out.
(TW: minor body horror, Gradient)

"Guess who's back~" Gradient laughed, letting his voice echo around the quiet apartment. He waltzed out of the bedroom and down the hall, taking his sweet, sweet time. After all, he knew exactly where Stratus would be- the scientist clearly liked patterns.

"F*ck off!" came the shaky response from the kitchen. Seconds later, a bark in agreement. Of course that stupid dog didn't know how to quit. She was going to die; Gradient would make sure of it.

"God damn, what's with the hostility?" he fake pouted as he drew closer to the countertop, behind which he was certain that his target was hiding. "I've only just arrived!"

After a moment, Stratus appeared behind the counter, standing up and leaving Gradient no choice but to have to crane his neck upwards to make eye contact. Being a foot shorter sure did kill the ominous mood. The taller man held the same ladle from the previous night in his trembling grip as he spoke.

"This is your last warning," he said, his voice wavering. "Leave us alone before you just make it worse on yourself."

Gradient just shook his head and laughed. Stratus was pathetic for thinking he could intimidate him, and they both knew it.

"How the yza am I gonna make this worse on myself?" he taunted, crossing his arms and chuckling. "What are you gonna do, science me to death? Knock me out like you did last time?" He shook his head for a moment, smiling before adding, "Well, spoiler alert, I always come back."

To his annoyance, the dirty-blonde just gave a half-hearted smile. "Actually, I won't science you to death this time. Come on, take a step forward if you want. But that's your last warning."

Something about his words was different than the other times, but Gradient highly doubted that he was capable of actually harming the body that he was possessing. Stratus wouldn't dare hurt Axar. Gradient was practically invincible, and he was going to take advantage of that.

"Whatever you say~!" he giggled, taking a step around the corner and into the kitchen, grinning maniacally at Stratus.

The scientist just shrugged and said, "I tried to warn you. I guess... you just wanna have a bad time."

"Maybe I do." Gradient kept smiling as he advanced. Oh, was he going to enjoy this. Stratus really thought he could bluff his way out of this one, but there was no chance.

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