A Glimpse of Pooja

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Kevin: (Excitedly) Guess who I saw today?

Friend: Who? Don't tell me it's the girl again!

Kevin: Yes, it's Pooja! I saw her on my way to college.

Friend: Wow, what are the chances? Did she notice you?

Kevin: I don't think so. She was with her friend, and they were riding a scooter.

Friend: You should've followed them. Maybe you could find out where she lives.

Kevin: That's exactly what I did! I tailed them discreetly, but then she spotted me.

Friend: Uh-oh, what did she say?

Kevin: She asked me why I was following them. I got so nervous and denied it.

Friend: Smooth move, buddy. You should've come up with a better excuse.

Kevin: I know, I panicked. I didn't want to come across as creepy or anything.

Friend: Well, at least you caught a glimpse of her. That's progress, right?

Kevin: I suppose so. But now I'm worried she might think I'm some kind of stalker.

Friend: Don't worry too much. Just act normal when you see her next time.

Kevin: Easier said than done. I've always been shy around girls.

Friend: You need to overcome that fear, Kevin. Pooja seems like a great person.

Kevin: I can't argue with that. She's kind, caring, and has such a warm smile.

Friend: Exactly! So, next time you see her, try striking up a conversation.

Kevin: I'll try my best. But what if she rejects me? I don't think I can handle that.

Friend: Rejection is a part of life, my friend. You won't know until you try.

Kevin: I guess you're right. I should gather some courage and give it a shot.

Friend: That's the spirit! Believe in yourself, and things will work out.

Kevin: Thanks for the pep talk. I needed that encouragement.

Friend: Anytime, Kevin. I'm here to support you through thick and thin.

Kevin: You're a true friend, and I'm lucky to have you by my side.

Friend: Likewise, buddy. Now, go out there and make a connection with Pooja.

Kevin: I will. I won't let my fear hold me back anymore.

Friend: That's the spirit! I can't wait to hear how it goes.

Kevin: I'll keep you updated. Hopefully, there will be some progress soon.

Friend: Good luck, Kevin. I believe in you.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2023 ⏰

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